Are you saddened that Focus on the Family is laying off people and didn't make their $150 million target?
Wow! Being a soley anti-gay pyramid scheme sure doesn’t bring in the cash like it used too!
Answer by milomax
I’m not a fan of Focus on the Family, but I don’t like to hear of anyone losing his or her job.
Answer by God
Gee, get caught lying to people and the money stops pouring in? Maybe that boycott on Ford and another American businesses has finally backfired like it should have a long time ago!
Answer by atheist
Hey, that is the best news I have heard all day!
Answer by auntb93
I’m crying my crockoduck tears. Eight million short of his $ 150 million target? Pitiful, just pitiful.
Answer by Angel Of Death
Might be a good time for them to take all the money they have scammed off the suckers and go retire in the Caribbean. Of course first they have to get ahold of Ted Haggard so he can tell them where they can find all the best gay prostitutes overseas.
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Contemplating the Pyramid
More from Wikipedia.
I went to Target and Walmart and saw these belts with the pryamid studs that everyone is sporting aorund but only with the studs in color black and not silver. Is silver studs gonna be out now?
Here is a picure just in case you do not know what I am talking about.
Sorry but my point is being missed, I agree it looks good but the stores are not selling the silver color anymore it seems.
Answer by heyitspreeti
No its fine.looks good =]
Answer by Tobes
Personally, I wouldn’t use Target’s clothing range as a valid judge of what’s hot and what’s not in fashion this season. I’m not saying their entire clothing range is that bad but it’s hardly cutting edge. If you’re really that concerned about your appearance then read fashion magazines or something.
If you’re THAT fashion conscious, no offence but, dont buy your clothes at places like Walmart and Target. Most of it is incredibly cheap and tacky.
It’s my opinion that you shouldn’t be so hung up about something as trivial as the color of the studs on your belt. Its hardly like walking out of your front door in a chicken suit. Chances are most people won’t even notice.
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Interview With a Trading Legend, Part III: Staying In The Game
In Part II of this Mercenary Vault series , we talked with Peter about mental milestones, win-loss ratios, and ideal trading environments.
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The ,000,000 Pyramid
- True-to-TV game show experience: Authentic theme music and game sounds, and over 800 categories (4800+ words) all combine to make the game a fun-for-the-family game accessible to all.
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The ,000,000 Pyramid raises the stakes on the classic multiple Emmy-award winning TV game show that pits duo against duo in a bid to reach the coveted Winner’s Circle. The original series, The ,000 Pyramid, debuted in 1973 and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series. Game play is addictively simple! Pick from six categories on the game board, and guess a series of words or phrases from your chosen theme as described by your team mate. Score more points than your opponent’s team after three
List Price: $ 29.99
Price: $ 28.83
Do ya think WalMart is shaking???
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