Problem with Vista and Time Warner Router.?
I have a network with a TW router. I need a password and username. I find my wireless tie but it does not question for it immediately, then a weird window appears asking for a username, password and Domain LOG ON??? I write the username and password but nothing happens, after a while it as for a PIN digit from the router!!! I do not know that. I have another pc with XP already connected, no problems, an Ipod and a PPC also connected no problems. Only this Vista piece of … Now can you help me, does anyone experienced the same thing!!! How do I do it? I tried restoring the system but nothing,
I do not know what to do!!
I cannot reset the router because it is not mine.
Another hint, I can see other secured networks and if I try to connect I am questioned a shared password as it should be.
But as I told you I cannot connect to mine with this pc by Vista.
Thanks very much for your help.
Vista instead of getting simpler, it gets more confusing. Why does XP connect straight away???
Thanks, but I am not taking advantage of the router. It is from a friend of mine. Instead of defending Vista, give me a solution. I havent have any more problems than this but I reckon it should be simpler for everyone to do something like this.
That is why this is weird. It is not normal and I need help solving this. Can you???
John. Thanks but it is my everyday laptop. It is mine not from work. I see 4 or more other wireless networks available, they are secure and if I try to connect 1 of those I am questioned the password (Which I do not have, but i do not want to connect to that but mine only) Now, I try again to connect to mine but says : Getting information from “Vega”( in this case) then Press confg button on you access point. (Which one??)
Delight help. Thank you a lot.
Last detail, I can take a network cable and connect it to the router and there are no issues. It is the wireless with this particular router. Could Time Warner have a pcs limitation???
John What do you mean by Turning off the Encryption?? How do i do it?? Thanks
Answer by ωiiρlυѕ
Lay off the “VISTA SUCK IT SON OF A … WONT WORK ITS AT FAULT” crap. Vista isn’t at fault and its obvious that it can actually detect it needs all three. >_>
And stop leeching off this other guy’s internet tie.
EDIT: Sigh, if you’re that desperate and determined that it’s “Vista’s fault” then let me shatter your hopes and dreams about getting rid of Vista.
I refer to from Experts Exchange:
This has nothing to do with Vista. It has to do with the way you have setup your router, you’ve doubtless enabled “Wi-Fi Protected Setup” (WPS) in your router configuration, it should be off by default.
Answer by johntrottier
It sounds like you are by a laptop from work that is set up for a domain.
If that is the case – STOP!!!! Do Not Pass Go!!! Do not collect $ 200
That laptop will never connect to your home network. It will not because the rules that were place in house when it was set up for a Domain prohibits it from connecting to unknown networks for security reason.
If you attempt to get around this setup – here is what WILL (I promise you!!) happen:
A hidden file that allows you to log onto the laptop when not connected to it’s domain ma?tre d'h?tel will be deleted. Windows will not question you “Are you Sure?” it will not warn you that “BAD THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN” It will just calmly rub out the file and make you reboot, because it will not do anything else in anticipation of you do.
And when you reboot – Your passwords and user names are GONE!!! All of them! The only password that will work is the Original User Name and password that was used when the comp was set up for the domain.
You are locked out and will not get in. No safe mode – no boot disk – Nada
So unless you delight in crawling to your IT group and telltale them what and idiot you are – Don’t mess with domains
A couple of other possibilities
Then it may be that Vista and your wireless adapter do not support the encryption standard you are by. Try turning off encryption temporarily and see if you can connect.
Since you can connect with a cable, the router is not the issue. The conundrum is in Vista or in your wireless adapter.
If it’s still no luck, then try getting the latest drivers from the wireless adapter site and seeing if that helps.
Last resort – get a USB dongle and forget the built in wireless
Excellent Luck
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STAR TREK Q&A in PlayStation Home with JJ Abrams, Chris Pine, and Zachary Quinto
Image by Annie Ok
The Q&A starts to draw to a close and guests rise from their seats.
On April 20th, STAR TREK director JJ Abrams and stars Chris Pine ("Kirk") and Zachary Quinto ("Spock") visited Sony PlayStation® Home for an exclusive Q&A with select press and bloggers from around the world. The event was broadcast live via Ustream with interactive chat via CoveritLive at
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i’ve been thinking about export my family iphone clones for xmas, seeing as my mom doesn’t even know how to “google” i don’t reckon they will mind much… though i don’t want them to get some crappy “toy” phone. i’ve researched a small before coming here and here are some pros and cons i’ve found… possibly someone with more experience can give me advice for or against but here it goes… the pros of the clone : cheap for a touchscreen w/o a plot, j2me java application compatible, works on any u.s. gsm network, most people can’t tell the difference unless they own an iphone and you let them play around a bit with yours, touchflo (some atleast), most have accelerometer (aka G-Sensor) and ICLONES CAN SEND MMS!!! (iphone can’t unless jailbroken and 3rd party apps installed)…. cons: NO SAFARI BROWSER!! , primitive java interface, sometimes manufactured with cheaper parts, not compatibe with iphone app store, crappy warranties, most if not all do not have wifi compatibility (tear sniffle tear)… just to add to that i have had quite a few ppc’s and smartphones including the htc touch, the htc juno, and the htc herald and i’ve seen the chinese imitations of these and started laughing my butt off, they look so cartoony compared to the real ones, i hope it is not the same case for the iphone clones…. any advice is appreciated, thank you much.
Answer by Pride ™
stick to the original
Answer by Geoffrey G
I-Phone is alot better because it is actuly mabe by apple
Answer by katieguth95
well i havef the explorer and it is just like the iphone but it is a lot simpler to use! i like it and i reckon that it would be a fantastic thought if you didnt want to get the actual iphone.
Answer by Captain Spaulding
iphone… most of the clones are cheap.
Answer by SlapChop Ur gonna like my nuts
Clones are crap and of far lesser quality. Iphones… not so cool either… i had to have one when they came out, used it for like 6 months then got a different one…. I personally reckon the iphone is a huge waste of money along with ipod touch… unfortunately.. i bought one of those too… i no longer use my iphone and gave my ipod touch to my husband and bought the ancient school video ipod…
Like ipod, but the phones are lame….
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