Today Themes for Sprint Mogul?
Where can i find “Today Themes” for my HTC Mogul from sprint?
Answer by Bakhtiar
Sprint wont allow you to install the themes on the phone, the feature is blocked…you’ll need to get the phone flashed to install themes on the phone AND to download themes go to mobile9
What do you think? Answer below!
I really need a phone that has a USB cable so I can sync my music into the phone from Windows Media Player and add themes into it. Which one can really do that?
Answer by m6tarry
HTC Pure Black
Answer by Jeffrey Nero H
what you want
Answer by John
the HTC Pure, here is its full specifications:
it can do so because it runs under windows mobile which normally capable to sync with windows media player
Good luck!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Orient Design Protective Skin Decal Sticker for T-mobile HTC Google G1 Cell Phone
- Cover the front and back of your HTC T-Mobile Dream G1 cell phone
- Decal Skin Sticker – non-permanent adhesive backing that allows you to simply peel off the skins with no sticky residue.
- Scratch resistant protective shields made out of high-quality vinyl.
- Personalize your HTC Dream G1 cell phone with this printed design vinyl decal.
- The skin DOES NOT cover the screen, but comes with a code to download the matching wallpaper which works with any theme and fills the entire screen.
This scatch resistant skin sticker helps to protect your HTC Dream G1 while making an impression. Self-adhesive plastic-coated skins cover the front and back of the phone and are custom cut to perfectly fit the HTC Dream G1. Skins are paper-thin so they do not add any bulk. Skins are easy to apply (no bubbles), durable and easily removable without any residue. This skin does not cover the screen of your phone, but it comes with a code to download the matching wallpaper as shown. (Note: Due to di
Price: $ 7.99
So Stetsonstang1 originally posted the tutorial for this, but for those of us on the newest firmware 4.2.1, we run into some problems with the wallpaper. This shows you how to get your own custom wallpaper as the background. It’s a little tough to do but I think the end product is worth it Due to the shitty quality of my camera, heres a written guide on how to do it. 1. Open iFile and navigate to /var/stash/Themes/HTC Widget [HD] 2. Open the Wallpaper.html file with the text viewer. 3. Find the string “background-image:url(‘…..’) 4. Delete whatever is between the apostrophes and do one of the folowing. 4a. Paste the URL of the image you want for your background between the apostrophes 4b. Navigate to /var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE and find the image you want to use. Remember the name of the image and when you go back to the wallpaper file, type the location of the file between the apostrophes (example: /var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0642.JPG). 5. On the line below the string we just edited, add “background-size: 60%;”. *If your image has the retina dimensions 640×960 then this will resize it to the screen. If it doesn’t you might have to adjust the percentage until it looks the way you’d like* 6. Respring and it should look good
Side note: People have pointed out the white border. I haven’t found a fix for this yet but I don’t think it detracts from the beauty of this theme. However I will continue to try and find a way to remove it. Other tweaks on my phone …
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