Q&A: If white people are not athletic as we say, then how so and they dominate all these Olympic events & sports?
We say that we are the most athletic people yeah ok , other than basketball , running events and specific positions of American Football everywhere are all these dominant players in hockey , baseball , tennis , golf , volley , rugby , cricket , decathlon , gymnastics , triathlon , cycling , skiing , surfing , to make a long tale small,everywhere are we guys in all those sports Asians and whites dominate all the time in the Olympics?
Are you pleased with some basketball,certain positions in American Football and some sprints and very few fantastic black athletes in few other white or latino or Asian dominated sports ?I know i am not!
Answer by Small Miss Sunshine
It makes them feel excellent about themselves when they spread lies they know are not right.
Answer by goodluckwithhat
Gee, there seem to be plenty of White people on the Phillies, for example, and they seem to be doing awesome.
Answer by Nick
Not as Athletic? I take upon yourself you mean black people say that. That’s not right. We are just as athletic as you are. We choose to go to school and get an education rather than shoot a basketball.
Dominate? No race “Dominates” a sport.
Answer by Equal rights for black male P.
Oh! Shut up white males! We black males already took care of you and defeated your race/gender in this country: John McCain representative of white males nationally failed miserably in his presidential run against Barack Obama. How fitting that the black male community “creamed” the cracker community. It was the white male’s chance to prove themselves and stick up for their white females after their crushing and embarrassing loss to us (cough cough Hilary Clinton cough cough) and what did they do; lose by a landslide to the black man; succumbing right in front of their women. How pathetic! The John McCain white male community are representatives of failures everywhere. You all are the past for us; a done deal. Go away!
Answer by 신비 남자애
I always wonder if I was black would I be better at running… because I like running (especially 100M and 400M, which they usually hold all the records for) ! As far as I know Asians and blacks can be just as excellent at basketball though. I reckon if Africans aimed at being excellent at some of those other sports, I reckon they could have a excellent chance to win, or at least go far. Not much of the African countries concentrate on those other sports.. like for example, in Kenya and Nigeria, heaps of the children would LOVE to be converted into professional running athlete because of inspiration of current running athletes from their country.
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Lucy, caught in the act of climbing a wall.
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Olympics 2008
957 medals given in total
Black people (mixed included,from all over the world) won 104 of them,you make the count if you do not believe me!
Winter Olympics 2010
268 medals given in total , a black man Shanni Davis won a gold medal,that’s it!
Total medals black people won in all sports in both Olympics 105/1225 medals (8,5%)
Now the “non athletic” according to myths and stereotypes, whites and Asians won rest 91,5% of medals lol!
USA won 110 in 2008 and 37 in 2010 , blacks won 23/147 ( 15,5%) rest 85% white boys mainly lol!
You are excellent in few sprints and basketball no doubt,now for the rest 99% of sports ummmmm i dunno , i mean what you got Williams in Tennis and Tiger (my Asian man lol) in Golf?3 champions in 2 sports that there are thousands all time fantastic whites??Exceptions to the octet rule
brando come on man,you know how reality is too,you know the certainty
Answer by Ever Questing
yeah but we have huge penises, bet you dont have that.
Answer by Still Here
Answer by Ceva
you’re a wee bit of a broken record aren’t you mi amigo?
feel free to change the tune at any time and rejoin reality
see you there..!
Answer by creed
I can only estimate that the ‘whites’ may be the ones to get more sponsors;; there is more to the olympics than the sport…
Answer by I’m Thinking Shhh
There are so many black football players in engand
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