how to sync htc evo 4g with mac in order to transfer itunes music?
I installed salling software sync, and then i connected it as a disc drive
but somehow nothing is popping up
is there another way to do this
Answer by ANDROID
Hi.When you hook up the phone to the computer, make sure on the phone you select mount or usb mass storage. You might have to drag down the notification bar to select that option.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Answer by Really Ancient Guy
is what you need.
Hope that helps.
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HTC Desire S Review
The original HTC Desire became one of the most standard Android smartphones of 2010, a compelling balance of screen-size, functionality and pricing that convinced us in our review and continued to convince buyers throughout the year. Now, HTC is back with the follow-up, the HTC Desire S . Question is, with dual-core Android phones already on the promote, does the "S" stand for "sequel" or just …
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There is a new version of HTC Sync available as of 4/23/10- it works perfect. The only thing you need to do is MAKE SURE you have antivirus software DISABLED during bed in.. Here is the link How to sync a HTC Droid Eris with Windows 7 by HTC Sync You can get the right drivers here
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