How to deal with this girl who talks about her self ALL THE TIME!?!?
I’m a 19 year old female student who lives in a group of 4 girls. I get on great with two of them, but the other- Oh holy macaroni, it’s come to a point where I can’t listen to her anymore!
I come from a comfortable background and i’m very modest about it, she however is a millionaire’s daughter and will not talk about anything other than her wealth. She thinks her fathers money automatically gives her some superiority. Because I didn’t go to a rip-off private school, hooked up with the prince of Monaco, or holidayed in Dubai with relatives of the royal family- I’m peasant. Every single conversation is about daddy, holiday’s, boarding school, Designer clothes, god i’m frigin amazing, daddy and so on…..
She is also two years older than me. She thinks that because she has these magic two extra years of life for that- She’s always right I’m always wrong, she’s better than me, She can cook better than me, she’s cleverer than me (in fact wrong, I wooped her *** in exams )
I am probably an easy target though. I am polite, quite person and a very good listener. I force myself to say yes and nod to everything she says just of politeness, I sometimes ask questions to pretend I’m intrigued “Wow, do you really have a pyramid decanter made of diamonds?” God knows why, it’s better than silence.
Sometimes, if I happen to say something about myself, she will look away and pretend not to have the slightest bit of interest or she will butt in and say something about her self. I cannot express how frustrating this is.
Although, she can be a truly interesting an inspirational person, sometimes I just wish I could say to her…FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU SELF-OBSESSED WOMAN
Sadly, I don’t have the guts to do this, and I have to live with her for the rest of the year.
Also I can’t really ***** about her to my other flatmates, because they’re quite fond of her, it seems to be only me that get this “me, me me” treatment.
Is there an easy way out? Or should I just quietly deal with the fact she is not going to change her self-obsessed attitude.
Right rant over. Woa couldn’t stop once I got going!
Answer by Liz
that was SO long. but still my opinion didnt change. tell her to shut the fuck up. flip out at her when your ALREADY in a bad mood. the end. peace. one love.
Answer by M L
why don’t you try redirecting the conversation. or tell her that you want to talk about something else. if you didn’t act interested when you weren’t then maybe she would get the hint….
Answer by EDJ
Avoid her! Yes you live with the girl, but there is no rule that says you all have to be friends. You are wasting your time and energy getting PO’d over this girl because you are polite and feel like you can’t leave the conversation. Just say you have something you have to do if she keeps pulling you into these kinds of conversations and leave the room, or “Excuse me” usually works just fine. Schedule activities around the times you know she will be around–do homework, go work out, go to the library, etc. That way you don’t have to be in the house as often when she is there.
If she ever aks you why you don’t want to engage in one of her little “chats” anymore, I would explain that you are concentrating on your schoolwork/work/project and just don’t have the time. But if you’re brave enough, you can always tell her the truth–without being rude.
Answer by becky
How about tell her summats wrong (you can make something up or eggarate summat thats happened to you) and you want to talk to her about it. Then she can hardly say no can she? then grip her with a really interesting story so she will have to listen to you. Then try and drag it out or something, i know its not honest but i have a smiliar friend and that worked;)
Answer by Southpawbrawler
What I’d like to know is, why does this upcoming generation of Americans think that people have to be just like them, or they’re screwed up? Why do they think they have to force others to be like them?
Add your own answer in the comments!
20100701 1259 – X-Day – Slack pyramid – IMG_1056
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs: Redefined for a post-X-Day world.
bust your ass, get off your ass, get others to bust their ass for you, wash your ass, watch your ass.
Bob, Maslow’s heirarchy, air, food, frop, money, needs, needs heirarchy, poster, pyramid, sex, slack, sleep, taxes, water.
edited. to pee. to shit. your back not hurting.
Brushwood Folklore Center, Sherman, New York.
July 1, 2010.
… Read my blog at
Formy reports on past X-Days, check out my blog at…
I have an old bike computer and can’t remember its brand or how to configure it. The logo on it is a black triangle (like a pyramid) with the symbol of a man on a bicycle in the center but slanted upwards to the right.
It has an LCD screen with 2 large round black buttons below the screen, and the logo between the buttons. It uses a thick but small button sized battery with number L1142.
It’s a basic bike computer bought from Target about 6 years ago. I accidentally reset it while preparing for a ride and now can’t remember exactly how to re-configure it. The specific piece of information that I need to enter is something like the wheel size in centimeters or something like that, or else it won’t accurately measure speed and distance.
I need this information tonight because the NYC 5 boro bike tour is tomorrow!!!
Thanks very much.
Answer by Bob A
Try this site, the little guy on a bicycle is common on several different makes. Try the Schwinn 12 function cyclocomputer settings. If you press both buttons for 4 seconds it should reset to 2124. Use the right button to change the number and the left to move to the next digit. That is the circumference of the wheel in mm. Check the chart for your tire size. Next is the selection between kph and mph, the right button switches between the two and the left sets it. After that it goes to the time hold the left button down for several seconds then select 12 or 24 hr mode. Then set the time.
Give your answer to this question below!
Sitting Target. -
India celebrated the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna, the centre figure of epic Mahabharat. The videos are festive scene at Thane city near Mumbai with an ocean of human crowd under light and sought effects, laser shows watching the MOST EXCITING Human Pyramid show. To mark this celebration all over India there is a play called Dahi Handi (dahi in Hindi means curd, and Handi in Hindi means pot) which is hanged up on the rope to a height of over 50-60 feets and there are youth groups called Govinda Groups and they take up the challenge of claiming huge prize money .. they form a human pyramid (it happens only in Mumbai, the daredavil city) in layer of some 100-150 strongmen who form human platform in circular shape and above them 8 strongest men form circular and above them second layer they are formed with four and above them 3 and above them 2 and above them depending on their skill one plus one plus one (human platform as base + 8 pillars + 4 men walls + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 +1 ). This is the Human pyramid specification .. even if you take size of men average as 5 feet the total height of the human pyramid works out to 5 ft x 8 layers = 40 ft + the base height of human foundation 6 feet .. so about 45 ft plut raised portion of the hand of tip top person another 2 feet.. in all it works out to 50 ft height .. All over Mumbai and in the state of Maharashtra Lord Krishna’s birth festival is celebrated like this in other parts of the India there is only rituals and worship and …
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