Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 4, 2011

LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG survey:] You don't have to finish but take a whack at it:]?

LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG survey:] You don't have to finish but take a whack at it:]?

Okay this is unsystematic my friend questioned me to have people take this crazy long assessment she found…

Assessment About Yourself
About You
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Show:
Your Car:
Your Hometown:
Your Present Town:
Your Crushes First Name:
Your Grade:
Your Style:

Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?
Kissed someone in the rain?
Danced in a public house?
Smiled for no reason?
Laughed so hard you cried?
Peed your pants after age 8?
Written a song?
Sang to someone for no reason?
Performed on a stage?
Talked to someone you don’t know?
Gone out of your way to help someone?
Made out in a theatre?
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?
Been in like?

Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?
Tell you, I like you?
Kiss you?
Hug you?
Tell you BYE?
Write you a note?
Take your photo?
Call your cell phone?
Buy you something?
Go with you to the movies?
Sing to you?
Write a poem about you?
Text message you?
Touch you?
What’s the last
Time you laughed?
Time you cried?
Movie you watched?
Joke you told?
Song you’ve sang?
Time you’ve looked at the clock?
Drink you’ve had?
Digit you’ve dialed?
Book you’ve read?
Food you’ve eaten?
Flavor of gum chewed?
Shoes you’ve worn?
Store you’ve been in?
Thing you’ve said?
Can You
Write with both hands?
Blow a bubble?
Roll your tounge in a circle?
Cross your eyes?
Touch your tounge to your nose?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?
Speak a different language?
Impersonate someone?
Prank call people?
Make a card pyramid?
Cook anything?

End The Line
If i were a …
I wish …
So many people don’t know that …
I am …
My heart is …

What do you reckon of when I say. . .
Wardrobe Malfunction
Huge Mac
Blues Clues
White and Nerdy
Lolli pop

This or that?
Pepsi or Coke
Vanilla or Chocolate
Black or White
Cats or Dogs
Sink or Swim
Lake or Ocean
Night or Day
Half Full or Half Empty
Desktops or Laptops
Playstation or Xbox
Summer or Winter
Cold or Warm
Cowboys or Indians
Lover or Fighter
Car or Truck
Cup or Glass
Fork or Spoon
Walking or Running
The Quick or The Furious

Do you or have you ever had. . .
A piercing
A tattoo
A sibling
Parents that are still together
A boyfriend/girlfriend
A husband/wife
A child
A really wild party while your parents were away?
An alcoholic beverage
A pet of your own
A house of your own
A car of your own
An iPod

Are You Going To Do Fantastic Things One Day:
Will You Be Well-known:
Can The World Handle You:
Do You Live With “No Regrets”:
Do You Have Dreams:
God In Your Life:
What Do you Despise More Than Anything:
What Controls You:
Who Is Your Hero:
Everywhere Do “Gays” Belong:
Whats Your Take On Skipping School:
Have You Been All You Can:
When Your Lonely what Can you Hear:
To Dance Is:
Pet Peave:
Do You Watch It Bleed or Do You Bandage It Up:
Music Does What To You:
How Do you Vent:
Night or Day:
The Best Part of Your Life:
What Would You Say To The Person You Despise Most:
When The End Comes, What’s it Look Like:

Okay the black and white thing is related to colors hahahha not race:]

Also I really agree with the guy who said the gays belong wherever they want:] that made me pleased to hear someone had their head screwed on strait:]

Answer by Ashley
Holy crap. As long as it is, I bet someone will answer all of them lol

Eye Color: ….Grean
Hair Color:…. Dirty blonde
Your Hometown:….Sioux Falls
Your Crushes First Name:…Which one lol
Your Grade:….12

Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?…..Yes
Kissed someone in the rain?…..No
Danced in a public house?…..Yes
Smiled for no reason?….All the time
Laughed so hard you cried?……Yes
Peed your pants after age 8?….No
Written a song?…..No
Sang to someone for no reason?….lol Yes
Performed on a stage?….Yes
Talked to someone you don’t know?…..Yes
Gone out of your way to help someone?….Yes
Made out in a theater?…..Not yet lol
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?….Yes
Been in like? …..No

Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?…..Sister
Tell you, I like you?…..Can’t remember
Kiss you?….Boyfriend
Hug you?…..Boyfriend
Tell you BYE?…..Boyfriend
Write you a note?…..Mom
Take your photo?…..Friend
Call your cell phone?…..Dad
Buy you something?…..Boyfriend
Go with you to the movies?….Boyfriend
Sing to you?…..Lol Boyfriend
Write a poem about you?….A boy in 6th grade who had a crush on me
Text message you?….Friend
Touch you?…..Cat

What’s the last
Time you laughed?….2 hours ago
Time you cried?…..Doubtless a week ago
Movie you watched?….Over the Ring fence
Drink you’ve had?….Water
Food you’ve eaten?….Potato Soup for supper
Flavor of gum chewed?….Mint
Shoes you’ve worn?….New track shoes
Thing you’ve said? ….”Yep”

Do you or have you ever had. . .
A piercing…..Ears, yes
A tattoo….No
A sibling….Yes -__-
Parents that are still together….Yes
A boyfriend/girlfriend….Yes
A husband/wife/….No
A child…..No
A really wild party while your parents were away?…..haha Not at my house…
An alcoholic beverage….Yes
A pet of your own….Yes
A house of your own….No
A car of your own….Yes
An iPod…..Yes <3

I skipped around, but that's enough for me

Answer by Matt
um whoa.

eye color :brown

there ya go

Answer by David
Assessment About Yourself
About You
Eye Color: all of them
Hair Color: brown
Height: about 6′
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Band: idk
Favorite Movie: The book of Eli
Favorite Show: family guy
Your Car: pshh
Your Hometown: livonia
Your Present Town: livonia
Your Crushes First Name: dont have one at the moment
Your Grade: 10th, sophmore
Your Style: swagish

Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop? no
Kissed someone in the rain? no
Danced in a public house? no
Smiled for no reason? yes
Laughed so hard you cried? not that I remember
Peed your pants after age 8? no
Written a song? no
Sang to someone for no reason? no. really yeah lmfao excellent times
Performed on a stage? no
Talked to someone you don’t know? yes
Gone out of your way to help someone? ehh possibly
Made out in a theatre? no
Gone roller skating since 8th grade? no
Been in like? close to it

What’s the last
Time you laughed? a couple hours ago
Time you cried? long time ago
Movie you watched? inception
Joke you told? dont remember
Song you’ve sang? lmao probibly some spanish song we had to sing in class
Time you’ve looked at the clock? right now
Drink you’ve had? coke
Digit you’ve dialed? my dads
Book you’ve read? call of duty (not related to the video game)
Food you’ve eaten? steak
Flavor of gum chewed? dont remember
Shoes you’ve worn? reebok
Store you’ve been in? i was just in one and i dont even remember what one it was
Thing you’ve said? excellent night

Can You
Write with both hands? no
Whistle? not really
Blow a bubble? yes
Roll your tounge in a circle? yes
Cross your eyes? no
Touch your tounge to your nose? no
Dance? idk
Gleek? no
Stay up a whole night without sleep? thats a challenge
Speak a different language? somewhat
Impersonate someone? yeah haha
Prank call people? yes
Make a card pyramid? no
Cook anything? eh

End The Line
If i were a … pen, that would be fun
I wish … I had another wish
So many people don’t know that … I just got another wish
I am … tall
My heart is … healthy

What do you reckon of when I say. . .
Soup soup
Wardrobe Malfunction vestuario
Heaven clouds
Hell fire
Cucumber pickle
Salad lettuce
Huge Mac amazingly not incredible
Pirates ship
Significant other
Gorgeous girl
Lion africa
Blues Clues clue
Rainbow colors
Cloud heaven
Rapper rapper
Gangsta swag
White and Nerdy song
Lolli pop lolli pop oh lolli lolli lolli lolli pop
Wave ocean
Fad fnreonre
Aliens mothership zeta
Ghost dark
Assessment this

This or that?
Pepsi or Coke coke
Vanilla or Chocolate choc
Black or White lmao racist
Cats or Dogs dogs
Sink or Swim swim
Lake or Ocean lake
Night or Day depends
Half Full or Half Empty full
Desktops or Laptops laptops
Playstation or Xbox xbox
Summer or Winter summer
Cold or Warm warm
Cowboys or Indians cows
Lover or Fighter depends what mood im in
Car or Truck car
Cup or Glass cup
Fork or Spoon fork
Walking or Running walk
The Quick or The Furious idk

Do you or have you ever had. . .
A piercing no
A tattoo no
A sibling yes
Parents that are still together yes
A boyfriend/girlfriend yes
A husband/wife no
A child no
A really wild party while your parents were away? no
An alcoholic beverage no
A pet of your own yes
A house of your own no
A car of your own no
An iPod yes

Are You Going To Do Fantastic Things One Day: perhaps
Will You Be Well-known: already am
Can The World Handle You: no
Do You Live With “No Regrets”: not really
Do You Have Dreams: yes
God In Your Life: yes
What Do you Despise More Than Anything: lot of things
What Controls You: me
Who Is Your Hero: idk I have a few
Everywhere Do “Gays” Belong: wherever they want
Whats Your Take On Skipping School: do it
Have You Been All You Can: not really
When Your Lonely what Can you Hear: whatever im listening to
To Dance Is: to dance
Pet Peave: too many
Do You Watch It Bleed or Do You Bandage It Up: idk
Music Does What To You: idk
How Do you Vent: lol
Night or Day: day
The Best Part of Your Life: this assessment
What Would You Say To The Person You Despise Most: just.. go kill yourself
When The End Comes, What’s it Look Like: the end

Answer by Bella Cullen™ not part of the twi crew
Assessment About Yourself
About You
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5’5
Favorite Color: Changes
Favorite Band: Skillet
Favorite Movie: Eclipse
Favorite Show: The Golden Girls
Your Car: Idk
Your Hometown: Not saying
Your Present Town: Not saying
Your Crushes First Name: Don’t have one
Your Grade: 11th
Your Style: Casual

Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop? No
Kissed someone in the rain? No
Danced in a public house? Yes
Smiled for no reason? Yes
Laughed so hard you cried? Yes
Peed your pants after age 8? Yes
Written a song? Mayyybeeee
Sang to someone for no reason? Yes
Performed on a stage? Yes
Talked to someone you don’t know? Yes
Gone out of your way to help someone? No
Made out in a theatre? No
Gone roller skating since 8th grade? Yes
Been in like? No

Who was the last person to
Say HI to you? Idr
Tell you, I like you? My momma
Kiss you? Momma
Hug you? Idr
Tell you BYE? Idr
Write you a note? Idr
Take your photo? My sister
Call your cell phone? No one yet
Buy you something? Daddy
Go with you to the movies? Momma
Sing to you? My other sister
Write a poem about you? No one yet
Text message you? My sister
Touch you? What?
What’s the last
Time you laughed? A few minutes ago
Time you cried? Idr
Movie you watched? Idr. I don’t watch movies a whole lot
Joke you told? Idr
Song you’ve sang? Idr
Time you’ve looked at the clock? Just now
Drink you’ve had? Water
Digit you’ve dialed? My neighbor’s
Book you’ve read? Idr
Food you’ve eaten? Cookies
Flavor of gum chewed? Idr
Shoes you’ve worn? Flip flops
Store you’ve been in? Walmart
Thing you’ve said? Idr
Can You
Write with both hands? Nope
Whistle? Nope
Blow a bubble? Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle? No
Cross your eyes? Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose? Yes (I really just tried that)
Dance? Yes
Gleek? Huh?
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Yes
Speak a different language? Somewhat
Impersonate someone? Kinda
Prank call people? Yes
Make a card pyramid? I can make a card house
Cook anything? Yes

End The Line
If i were a … my birds I would be sleeping right now
I wish … I weren’t dealing with what I’m dealing with right now
So many people don’t know that … I’m awesome
I am … doing this assessment and can’t believe I’m doing it
My heart is … in my chest

What do you reckon of when I say. . .
Soup – Soup
Wardrobe Malfunction – A malfunction
Heaven – Paradise
Hell – Scary
Cucumber – Vegetable
Salad – Goodness
Huge Mac – Greasy
Pirates – Eye patches
Significant – Other
Gorgeous – Me
Lion – Lion
Blues Clues – A dog
Rainbow – R.O.Y.G.B.V.
Cloud – Grey/white
Rapper – Candy
Gangsta – Dull
White and Nerdy – Weird Al
Lolli pop – Candy
Wave – Hi
Fad – Stout
Aliens – Conservational
Ghost – Transparent
Assessment – This

This or that?
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
Black or White? White
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Sink or Swim? Swim
Lake or Ocean? Ocean
Night or Day? Day
Half Full or Half Empty? Full
Desktops or Laptops? Laptops
Playstation or Xbox? Xbox
Summer or Winter? Summer
Cold or Warm? Cool
Cowboys or Indians? Cowboys
Lover or Fighter? Both
Car or Truck? Car
Cup or Glass? Cup
Fork or Spoon? Fork
Walking or Running Walking
The Quick or The Furious? Quick

Do you or have you ever had. . .
A piercing? Yes
A tattoo? No
A sibling? Yes
Parents that are still together?Yes
A boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope
A husband/wife? Nope
A child? No
A really wild party while your parents were away?No
An alcoholic beverage? I reckon so once
A pet of your own? Yes
A house of your own? No
A car of your own? No
An iPod? Yes

Are You Going To Do Fantastic Things One Day: The day has finished
Will You Be Well-known:Idk
Can The World Handle You: Yes
Do You Live With “No Regrets”: No
Do You Have Dreams: Yes
God In Your Life: Yes!
What Do you Despise More Than Anything: A lot
What Controls You: Idk
Who Is Your Hero: God
Everywhere Do “Gays” Belong: What?
Whats Your Take On Skipping School: It’s ok each now and then
Have You Been All You Can: No
When Your Lonely what Can you Hear:Silence or my music
To Dance Is: To dance. What do you want me to say?
Pet Peave: A lot
Do You Watch It Bleed or Do You Bandage It Up:Bandage it up
Music Does What To You: A lot I estimate
How Do you Vent: Writing
Night or Day: Day. Wasn’t this question already questioned?
The Best Part of Your Life: A lot
What Would You Say To The Person You Despise Most: Idk
When The End Comes, What’s it Look Like:Idk

Answer by That Dude
Ok here I go.. for all of them
5 10
Sum 41 or Senses Fail
Let’s Go To Prison
Malcolm In The Middle
Hometown – No
Present Town – No
grade 11
Style? Idk, average


My friend Greg
Girl Gabby in grade 8
My friend Greg
My friend Dan
My friend Andrea
My Mom
My friends Greg and Shaun and my brother
My friend Greg (No I’m not gay)
My friend Greg

Reading a joke on Yahoo Answers
2/3 months ago
Kick Ass
Knock Knock on Yahoo Answers
Sum 41 – The Hell Song
9:47 PM/21:47
Pink 7UP
My friend Joe
The Fantastic Gatsby
Pizza Hot Pocket
New Balance sneakers
Maz eyeglasses
Wow you’re an idiot(to my brother)

Gleek? Idk what that is

If I were a fish I’d swim in the ocean.
I wish I didn’t promise for myself I’d end this assessment.
So many people don’t know that I can play guitar.
I am so average it isn’t amusing.
My heart is no one’s because I’m a loser.

Soup – Cambells
Wardrobe Malfunction – I don’t care
Heaven – God
Hell – Family Guy
Cucumber – Pickle
Salad – Excellent
Huge Mac – Hamburger
Pirates – Somalia
Significant – School
Gorgeous – Girls
Lion – Napolean Dynamite
Blues Clues – Childhood
Rainbow – Tosh.O
Cloud – Rain
Rapper – No talent
Gangsta – Idiot
White and Nerdy – Weird Al Yankovich
Lolli pop – Tootsie Roll
Wave – Goodbye
Fad – Apathy
Aliens – Possibility
Ghost – Call Of Duty
Assessment – Incredibly long and annoying

The Quick


I certainly hope so.
Doubtless not, but I hope so.
Yea doubtless.
A small bit.
I despise school and most the people in it more than anything.
I control me.
My hero? Doubtless Dave Grohl.
Gays belong anywhere, they’re just people.
If you skip school you’re doubtless a dirtbag.
Idk doubtless not.
When lonely i can hear my Ipod in my ears.
To dance is to make a fool of yourself.
Pet Peave – People judging me
Watch it bleed a small then bandage.
Music inspires me
I don’t vent
Best part of my life is my ipod or my guitar
Nothing, I’d just ignore them
End of what?
Life – Darkness followed by a feeling that you can do anything that lasts forever
World – Just explosions, gunfire, and darkness.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

This is my deck atm


Plague wolf
Goku en x2
Marionette mite
breaker the magical warrior
Paladin of the cursed dragon x2
Red eyes zombie dragon x2
card trooper
Ryu kokki x2
moral fiber cutter
Pyramid turtle x3
Zombie master x3


Shrink x2
creature swap
Card destruction
Book of life x2
zombie world x2
Lightning vortex
Magical space typhoon
Cold wave


scrap iron scarecrow
dark enticement
imperial iron wall
tutan mask
bottomless trap hole
Waboku x2
call of the haunted
Dust tornado

And i just need a lil help fixing it i also have access to…

dust tornado
call of the mummy x2
soul taker x2
field barrier x2
card destruction
creature swap
brain control
ribon of rebirth x2
imperial iron wall
tutan mask
bottomless trap hole
rush recklessly
magical stone of excavation
magical arm shield
plague wolf
regenerating mummy x4
getsu fuhma
royal keeper x2
master kyonshee x2
card of safe return x2
red eyes b dragon
red eyes darkness dragon
marionette mite
patrician of darkness x2
des lacooda x2

And any cards in the 2009 starter or warrior strike deck

I was wondering if someone could help me do best with what i got,and tell me what i need.I will most liable not be able to buy singles,and i am on a budget.So it will prolly come down to special edition packs.And i just need to know which promos and pack would be the most helpfull


Answer by Dick
- Plague wolf
- Goku en x2
- Marionette mite
- Paladin of the cursed dragon x2
- Red eyes zombie dragon x2
+ 2 Il Blud
+ Sangan
+ 2 Goblin Zombie
+ Mystic Tomato or Giant Rat

- Card destruction
- zombie world x2
- Terraforming
+ Book Of Life
+ Book Of Moon
+ Smashing Ground
+ Rival Controller

- scrap iron scarecrow
- imperial iron wall
- tutan mask
+ Dust Tornado
+ Bottomless Trap Hole
+ Torrential Tribute

Add your own answer in the comments!

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Everywhere to buy: these are the best quality magnet spheres on the promote Ok so i found a way to make it 100% solid. No gaps, really solid and the edges and sides are really stable and connected. Took about 20 minutes to make. Anyone who can replicate it post a response. I’d like to see. Oh and i broke it at the end to show that it is solid.

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