Can you use the new version of the google android phone on the AT&T network?
Answer by Luke
Which new phone?
Chances are you can lol
Answer by JavaProgrammer
I reckon you are talking about the nexus one….
The first nexus one can connect to the att 2d/edge network
The new nexus one can get full 3d network speed…..
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Barcelona Mobile World Congress
Image by Interact SpA – Play innovation
Google Android at the show
Answer by Georgi Himchev
baseball bat ?!?
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Public of Lava invites Android developers to version 2.0 of its app market for TVs
While Google continues to work on an official Android Market for TVs , Sweden’s own Public of Lava has announced the second version of the app store for its Scandinavia Android TV . With version 2.0 Public of Lava is focusing on attracting developers to make apps particularly for the Android 1.5-powered TVs in order to fill its own app marketplace. Like Google , it has opened up a developer …
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