What parts do you need to build an android phone?
by osde8info
I mean literally assembling a phone that will run android and makes calls. Please be detailed.
Answer by Winston
case, screen, processor, graphics cards for phones, camera lens, antenna, sim card slot, battery, battery slot, ram, flash memory and etc. (theres more that I haven’t bothered adding) I doubt you would be able to build your own phone.
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Image by osde8info
I want to get a really excellent android phone. I have the mytouch slide but I despise it. I want one that will have android 2.3 Thanks
Answer by HeavenYoura
I have Sony Ericsson – Xperia – X10i Android & it is so so fine.
It was a gift for me since last July [when just unrestricted]. But the only down business was that it was sold with the older Android version 1.6. But once updated, it’s updated.
So I bet the ones they sell by now are updated already. I don’t reckon Sony is this stupid & slow. You can easily make sure of this through review websites like cnet.com.
By the way, this is my first Sony & Android phone.
Earlier I had Nokia & then HTC windows mobile.
Answer by Gagandeep
sorry the latest android operating system is 2.2.
you can buy sony xperia mini 10 (2.1) .htc
Answer by east inflatables
Sony Ericsson – Xperia is better
Answer by Taylor Clark
You can find the best deal in the Amazon’s Cyber Week Deals http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=384082011&tag=cyber-week-deals-20
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Go to unlocked Android bootloaders not supported by carriers
We recently reported that HTC has now joined the recent trend started by Motorola of unlocking their bootloaders on Android devices. Bootloaders control what a smartphone loads up when it is first turned on, so by manipulating a bootloader a hacker can eliminate the loading of specific applications and services to free up resources. Even [...]
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Track 2 off the album Radiodread (2006, Radiohead cover).
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