What will the iPhone 4 be worth once the iPhone 5 is released?
When the iPhone 5 is unrestricted, how much do you reckon the iPhone 4 16gb will be worth?
Answer by calnickel
$ 0 with three year initiation, just like the 3GS is now….
Answer by bellaxtrix
if you’re buying it sim-free, i doubt it will exchange much – the iphone 3gs is still only SLIGHTLY cheaper than the iphone 4, so it won’t be a massive improvement price-wise! Also, knowing apple, they’ll just discontinue the iphone 4 with the release of the new iphone.
Answer by musiclover27
maybe $ 400
Answer by Matthew Johnston
Well the value will still be there . I would assume %50 of the current value price with NO contract.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
I want to cancel the contract I currently have with AT&T, but I want to keep the phone I currently have, without the contract. I called AT&T, but they said that to cancel the contract I would have to restore the iPhone, since I unlocked the iPhone, I need to keep it. How am I meant to cancel the contract?
AT&T said to cancel the contract I would need to restore the phone.
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