How can i use itunes on my Iphone 3g with turbo sim and is jailbroken?
by Welshdan
I just got an Iphone 3g and got it with turbo sim and i also got it jailbroken and i tried using itunes and it says that the sim in the iphone is not supported so i just want to know how is it that i can use it.Thanks.
Answer by Gamer Kid 360
jailbroke the iphone 3g, why?
Answer by bravestdawg101
I’m not sure…though i suppose you COULD do everything manually through openssh.
Answer by PERK™
If you get a message like that with iTunes that means phone is not unlocked.
it still looking for specific carrier !! (wereu able to make calls ??)
try using PwnageTool (its available for mac, if u dont have one use ones who has it.. just one time thing)
of try QuickPwn (for windows)
this PwnageTool is free and it replaces your Bootloader so that your iTunes wont look for the specific carrier !!
detailed procedure you can find it here !!
Mac :
Windows :
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[iPhone] Kaltes, klares Wasser
Image by taytom
iPhone 4; App. used Hipstamatic
I want the iPhone 3G, but don’t want to have to sign up for a bunch of subscriptions to get a hold of one. Thanks for any tips.
Answer by someonedoeing
there is no such thing. mac has contract with att and mac wont release any iphones without a contract with att
Answer by Boobutt
The YourFreeiPhone website is the only one that I have found that actually works. It worked for myself and my old roommate. You have to be careful about a number of the steps that they have in place but it’s really simple if you just take it step by step. This sight walks you through some of the proofs while helping you make sure you do it the right way.
If you could use the following site (or reference code) when you sign up you would help my brother get one too
Thanks and I hope this helps
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