Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 5, 2011

Q&A: Google G1 Android phone parts?

Q&A: Google G1 Android phone parts?

Does anyone know of a website where I can find parts for my Google G1 android phone? the screen is cracked, it is purely cosmetic, but it bug the hell out of me..Please help

Answer by Karlonia
There are plenty of sites that seem to be offering Google G1 Android phone parts. Here are the Google Harvest results for Google G1 Android screens. Search engines are incredible, aren’t they?

What do you reckon? Answer below!

Android Developer Lab 2010 Hong Kong
google android

Image by sammyfung

I don’t want to pay persons high bills.

Answer by DennyMack
don’t forget that the data is not available everywhere, and data will tend to drop out more than voice will, so you may find that you ‘drop’ your calls a lot.
the additional things to consider is latency, so it might be like ancient-fashioned phone calls overseas.
I would use the voice plot, and try out google voice and see what you reckon of it. You can exchange your verion plot later on.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
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