Internet on Google Android.?
I’m a Google Android user from Sri Lanka.we have only 3 HSDPA (3G) mobile internet providers in side the country.(Airtel,Mobitel,Dialog).How can I access internet on Google Android and how to get internet settings for that?
Answer by DINITH
Sorry but no idea.
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Google sign
Image by gabrielsaldana
like downloading an app for G1 onto my laptop, then transferring it to my phone
Answer by Josh
I don’t think so.
You can try.
Answer by brigini
i thought of that too but didnt find an answer either. you can try or the g1 forum on tmobiles site though. if you find it come back and let me know.
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Google Wallet promises to turn smartphones into credit cards
It was more or less inevitable that Google (GOOG) would move into the mobile payments game. With Google Wallet , the search giant wants to use the near-field communications
Read more on Nasdaq So you see, it’s really easy to install applications on Android Phones, and remember, unlike an iPhone, you don’t have to jail-break them to install apps from outside the Android Market-Place.
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