Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2011

How can I get a phone that runs Android OS in Australia?

How can I get a phone that runs Android OS in Australia?

I’ve been looking for a phone to meet my needs, and Android is a excellent option. Is there a way I can get a phone with keyboard, capable of running Android OS? If so, will I be able to use it on Optus?
I’d like the phone to have wifi capability as well. Thanks!

Answer by Luke
Look at your community network and see what they offer.

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android; pixelpipe

Image by osde8info
android; pixelpipe

I have an LG Vortex Android phone. There is at least one app I don’t use or want, Skype. I want to get rid of it. Tired of turning it off all the time. Even if I haven’t restarted my phone I still have to go in and stop it from running. I don’t have or really want an ATK on my phone.
Is there any way to remove pre-installed apps from my phone?

Answer by Mike D
First off, excellent work not having ATK on your phone. Task killers are poison for your phone.

Secondly, I’m sorry to inform you that you can’t remove pre-installed apps. The only way to do it is to root your phone. It will void your warranty, but you can do all sorts of fun things like installing different versions of android. Here is one guide:!5563924 But keep in mind that it is from last June (still pretty excellent though). I’d poke around the internet a bit before going that route.

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Android 2.3.3 for XPERIA Play and Arc unrestricted [Record]
Sony Ericsson's latest firmware update for the XPERIA Arc and XPERIA Play has begun to roll out. The new software upgrades the smartphones to Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread, addressing innumerable issues and bugfixes, as well as including the Facebook Inside XPERIA functionality that Sony Ericsson first showed on the XPERIA mini and mini pro. The Facebook [...]
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We launched some Androids into space – learn more at full picture set at
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