HTC Inspire 4g or iPhone 4?
I have the iPhone 4 now, but should I keep it or go with the 4g Android? I want opinions about software and stuff like that, not if u like/ dislike Apple or HTC.
Answer by Linds
i am and if i were you i would wait until july when the iphone 5 comes out!! it looks much better than any iphones in the past. plus iphones are much cooler!!
Answer by Micheal
I would take Iphone
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Fotos tiradas con mi HTC Desiré en el Consegi – Brasilia, durante los días 17-21 de agosto de 2010
My HTC Touch Mobile is showing this mesage:–
“This operation will delete all your personal data,and reset all settings to manufacturer default,
Press action to restore manufacturere default,or pres additional keys to cancel”
Does any person faced this kind of message ?
EVEN by pressing any reset points agreed at lower bottom of mobile does not help
this messge still visible
Talking to One of the HTC Service centers in Gurgaon says there might be Software updation may be some file is corrupt
Share your views if faced this kind of conundrum
Answer by n1c0_ds
Have you opened “Apparent storage” in Settings? That’s exactly the message you would get. Same business would happen if you performed a hard-reset (confirmation message).
You might have to do just that: hard reset it.
Answer by Sue
It’s basically charitable you the option to do a hard re-set that will take it back to manufacturer settings.
If you’ve recently tried to do a ROM upgrade or install some software, it’s possible that it didn’t “take” and you’ll have to do the re-set.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Taiwan show to feature Apple tablet challengers
TAIPEI, Taiwan: Computer manufacturers of all sizes and descriptions have been pushing to get a piece of the ever-increasing tablet market made by the launch of Apple’s iPad in April 2010.
Read more on The Star
Noah gets an early loaner of the HTC Touch Diamond 2 – the unlocked European version. His verdict? If you don’t need a hard QWERTY board, TD2 is probably the best Windows Mobile phone currently available. More Videos: Win Free Phones:
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