Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2011

Would you rather have rule the world: the USA or Europe?

Would you rather have rule the world: the USA or Europe?

Europe: very few public of color in community or national government or in the media out of a continent that is 20% minority; separate but equal is still practiced. Discrimination is rampant.
USA: minorities have been influential and powerful in the U.S. for decades and are very visible on TV and in pop culture. Americans recently elected a black president. Oprah has more money than the French university system. Arab-Americans are some of the most prosperous in the U.S.; Arabs in Europe are poverty-stricken for generations.

Gay marriage and gay adoptions are illegal in most of Europe. There are only four countries which permit gay marriage. Scandinavia does not have gay marriage, but gay domestic partnerships, the same they currently have in California. But bans on gay marriage and gay adoptions have been upheld by European courts, including Sweden.
Gay marriage is permitted in three states, and several allow civil unions, virtually the exact same benefits as marriage. Of the states that ban gay marriage, only two ban gay adoptions. Even Alabama permits gays to adopt, disparate France and Sweden. Muslim radicalism is pushing back gay rights in many parts of Europe, including the Netherlands where attacks against gays are far more common than in the U.S.

Domestic violence in Europe is one of the highest in the industrialized world–3x higher than in the U.S. which really has a higher reporting average than Europe—still the U.S. rate is lower. Overall crime is also higher in Europe today than the U.S. Crime in the U.S. has been steadily dropping for 15 years; it has risen steadily in Europe. Europe’s street crime is 5x higher than street crime in the U.S.

Europe’s unemployment rate rarely goes under 10%. Americans freak out if their unemployment rate hits 6%.
The elderly in Europe are abused and neglected. In the summer of 2004 a heat wave in Europe resulted in 45,000 deaths (25,000 in France alone) mostly of ancient public. Relatives left their bodies at government-run morgues, sometimes leaving them outside on the doorstep. The heat wave came in August and most didn’t want to end their month-long vacations.
The elderly in the U.S. go to Florida or Arizona and live like decadent royalty, sucking their grandchildren’s futures dry off government-funded pyramid scams.

Europe has no comprehension of free speech. It is still grappling with "despise speech codes" and its effect on liberty. Cartoons cause riots in Europe.
Americans dealt with the issue of freedom of expression 200 years ago, most particularly with the "Cartoon Defense" in which the U.S. Supreme Court said that government cannot sue newspapers over cartoon parodies. They still riot over cartoons in Europe. The French president recently sued the manufacturer of a doll made in his likeness because he thought it was insulting. The court ruled partially in his favor.

Ok, liberals, come to Europe’s defense! Let’s hear all you public who reckon Europe is the center of the universe come and rescue it from my horrible outburst! Come, liberals, don’t take this sitting down. You must find a way to support Europe and debase the U.S. It’s part of your religious conviction! Now do it!

Answer by Ernie B
Neither, you idiot. Duh.

Answer by Mark S
long rant, but I agree with it. Europe is full of hypocrites. Americans have been erroneously described by the left for decades. It’s unfare.

Answer by Sir Roger Shallot
I reckon the USA should hand over the keys to Europe, let them deal with the worlds injustices-
They seem to reckon they have a superior thought process-
Let them handle it-
Then America can rest and take care of her own-

Answer by M S
USA hands down. Europe is scary. I reckon some of us in the USA forget why we’re here to start with. Our parents and grandparents had to getting away from all that european “humanitarianism.” Hehehe! How about the death camps?

Answer by King Zorglub
E.U. Your country is broke. If we may maybe build it, we can fix it!

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Ok, so me and my friend chose to do this challenge. We have to bring a camera on a day out around town or where on earth we go that day and take pictures of as many of these things as we can.
The picture challenges are divided into 1, 3 and 5 pointers and the winner is the first to but many we have? At the moment there is 50 but we want some more.

Any thoughts will be fantastic, they should mostly be like the ones we have, nothing to ridiculous but still fun and daring.


One Pointers -
Person with a tattoo
Bald guy with a smiley face drawn on his head
Baby wearing sunglasses
Rubbing someones belly

Three Pointers –
Permanent in a trash can
Both touching a palm tree
Jumping into someone else’s picture
Dog on someones head
Striking someone with a skateboard/newspaper
Small bit of butt crack
Lying down in a public place

Five Pointers –
Before a live audience an instrument with someone clapping
Dancing with ancient man
Buried in sand
Fully clothed and soaking wet
Creature pyramid

Answer by Monty Happens
3 pointer-
Chinese homeless person
Congress tart life sold (if u don’t live in Manchester)

5 pointer-
Ancient man intake a twix
Chinese midget homeless person

ahhh delcious

Give your answer to this question below!
Young and restless in Spain as jobless rate soars
The first business Silvia Huelves was told when she started studying architecture was that she should take up Chinese or Japanese – she was never going to build anything in Spain any time soon.
Read more on KWQC-TV 6 Davenport

This episode was shot way back in 2008 and the music was agreed to me in 2008 as well. The break is Pyramid Rock, it’s located on the Kaneohe Marine Corp Base. Needless to say its not an every day break open to the everyday public. But this civilian here was lucky enough to know a friend who knows a friend who is a marine and his a acquaintances girlfriend had a car with all the legal paperwork collectively to get us through the gate. Once through the KMCB Gate we hit the desolate and wide beach which hosts a few excellent breaks. Music by: Jammin Joe Buck Song: “Tear’n It Up” If you have an iphone and use the HSSR iPhone App, Make sure to check out the wallpaper that comes with this episode.

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