anyone know any fun apps for sprint htc touch pro 2?
i just got an htc touch pro 2 for sprint, and was wondering if there were any fun applications for this phone instead of just business applications? any help would be appreciated. thanks!
like games, or interactive apps, like the gun, easy button, just stupid fun stuff lol
Answer by AKA Inverse Mushroom Cloud
Define fun.
Some of us find business apps very fun
Add your own answer in the comments!
Coronet Salmon Prep
Image by ghz
Sent from my Samsung Epic™ 4G
i was going to buy a htc evo 4g and flash it onto cricket but i want to know is it worth it? will i still have access to the app store? can i still use navigation? will i still have 3g? any help would be much appreciated
Answer by Jerdelron
im really trying to find out the same thing bkuzz that htc evo is a great phone to have if you find a way to do it please hit me up 832 206 5849-JD or facebook me jerdelron_nathan
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! I love this battery, I did a REAL Battery test today. Alot of people are making videos that they can get 15hrs out of a stock evo. HAHA what a joke, in my video you will see I USED my phone. Yes you can get some good hrs out of a stock battery as long as you turn everything off. With this bad boy you can leave everything on, well didnt try 4g but im sure it would have killed battery. Thanks for watching and if you have an questions just ask. IRatchett
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