How much data/internet mb does a normal android smartphone use?
I am thinking on getting the 200 mb web/data plan with an android smarphone. How much data/web will an android smartphone use if you don’t browse the web, just the homescreen has a weather app and another screen has the facebook app and the other screen has an email app. How much web/data will it use in a month?
Answer by PoohBearPenguin
It’s really going to depend on how frequently you use these apps.
The weather app won’t use much data at all, but the email and facebook apps could easily use a few megabytes each time you access them.
If you’re only going to access these a few times a day, 200MB is probably OK.
If you plan on checking and posting a lot, then you may want to see about getting a higher limit – at least for a month so you can find out what your real usage is going to be like.
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android; pixelpipe
Image by osde8info
android; pixelpipe
just got an android phone. Looking for applications. Whats the best applications? Also can i sync my phone with my yahoo calendar?
Answer by maestroalvarez
First of all, what kind of applications do you need or want? Fun, business, personal finance…etc? I can help you with that. Also, visit this website and peruse all of the wealth of information you can gain from it.
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Microsoft's 0m Android windfall dwarfs Windows Phone revenues
Microsoft may be pushing ahead with Windows Phone Mango, but it seems the company's biggest mobile success of the moment is actually from Android devices. Citi analyst Walter Pritchard has crunched the numbers and figured out that HTC pays Microsoft $ 5 for every Android smartphone it makes, Asymco reports; with HTC shipment figures at around 30m [...]
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