Java games on Windows Mobile?
how do i play java games on windows mobile. how do i get the java application on windows mobile
Answer by Smiling Is My Favourite Hobby
u need a java emulator
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Exemple d’écran de conférence sur OVE
Image by dalbera
Développée par Mobiclip, spécialiste de la vidéo et de la TV sur Mobile, l'application OVE permet d'accéder librement aux cours des meilleurs établissements supérieurs français (Ecole Polytechnique, ESSEC, EISTI, Institut Telecom) depuis les smartphones via tous les réseaux mobiles et sans-fil (Edge, 3G, Wifi). Les contenus pédagogiques sont affichés en haute qualité et en plein écran et peuvent être visualisés en streaming ou téléchargés sur la mémoire du téléphone.
Ce service innovant s'inscrit dans la volonté de mettre à disposition du plus grand nombre les meilleurs cours des établissements supérieurs français.
L'application OVE est compatible avec les smartphones (Apple iPhone/iPod, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android).…
if i create a windows mobile 5, (intending to send it to apple for iphone), how much effort would it take to convert from the wm5 app (im guessing it would be .bin) to whatever type of file the iphone would run. I would code in wm5 format but i dont have a mac so i cant run the iphone sdk. what should i do besides buying a mac and buying OS X? Will it take a lot of effort to do this converting? Would apple have to rewrite the program in their sdk?
how would i: run OSX on a virtual machine and run the SDK from there.
withouth torrenting or buying OS X
Answer by cld
I don’t if it will work, but you can try running OSX on a virtual machine and run the SDK from there.
Answer by catty
no not really
Answer by pythonpoole
I will say that I’m not an expert in the topic. But I don’t think you can port your application over so easily. iPhone apps are written in objective C, and to my knowledge and they operate fundamentally different to any other apps out there for mobile phones or PCs.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure you’d end up having to re-write the program from scratch. You will need a mac to do this, and don’t think you can just go to Apple and say ‘port this application for me’ because they won’t do it. Unless you’re willing to dish out a bunch of money, the most you’re going to get from Apple is small coding help on one or two minor problems you’re having.
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Related article: WinMoSquare is the Foursquare application on Windows Mobile. The application is still in its alpha stage, but already look very promising. Check out the video for demo.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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