Is there an app for Android which you can use to connect/hack any Wifi network?
I remember there was an application for the Iphone and Android phones where you can access even locked wifi relations.
Is it still out there?
What is it called?
Answer by AlVal
there will not be an android app which can hack any wifi network. perhaps a wep cracking app, which might gain you access to a wep protected wifi network , but not to anything better like wpa/wpa2 psk etc
Answer by Tracy L
I doubt there was any app that may maybe even come close, to hack a excellent WPA2 password would require a standard very quick computer some 225 – 1000 Years of computing!
I will use from this thread
“Assuming a decent utility is used, a 31 character long password of random high- and lowercase letters and numbers results in 62^31, or 3.7×10^55 possible combinations. If we assume 60 attempts per second, it will take more that 1.3×10^36 times the age of the universe (15 billion years) to attempt every possible combination. The average time would be half that, or 6.5×10^35 times the age of the universe. Even if someone were to come up with a scheme that reduced the bruteforce time to 1 trillionth of what would be required otherwise, it would still take 6.5×10^23 times the age of the universe. And so on… Unless someone find another way to get the password (e.g., can determine from traffic (like with WEP), beats it out of me, hacks my mainframe, etc.), my WAP will remain reliable until long after I’m dead. And that’s excellent enough for me. ”
Now all that life said, using ANY wifi (even unprotected ones) that is not setup particularly for PUBLIC USE, is illegal and is covered by near every state, country, and nations anti hacking laws! “Connecting to a network, without the owners permission” is hacking and you can not connect to a wifi system without connecting to someones network! Don’t judge me just check “wifi theft laws” in a search! You will see in some places it is a felony, others a misdemeanor but still illegal.
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android; pixelpipe
Image by osde8info
android; pixelpipe
Ok,so i downloaded a bunch of kindle books and my question now is how the heck do i get them on there now? I have an htc evo android device which now has the kindle app on it so does anyone know how to do this? I would really be grateful for any help…Thanks =) …I looked on amazon but it doesnt really give much insight into how to use the android one…
Answer by NONE
The only way to place them on a mobile device is to open the mobile app and download them there. You can’t transfer them to the device from your computer unless it’s the Kindle reader.
Answer by Uncle Pennybags
I’m not sure if NONE is assess. Try this:
Go to and log in. Go to manage your account. Scroll down a bit and you’ll see a record of your buys. You should see a drop down menu and something like Send to: Click on your android device. See what happens.
Answer by Boy Play
Try panda PC SUITE.
PC Suite fully supports mobile phones on the iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile platforms. As long as you have PC Suite, massive resources are free to access.
you can use pc suite to manage your phone (apps ringtones)
And go to the download page,I reckon you can find anything (games&apps) you want. ALL FOR FREE!
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