Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 5, 2011

the kane chronicles sounds like rick riordan didn't write it because of mentioning of tape recording?

the kane chronicles sounds like rick riordan didn't write it because of mentioning of tape recording?

ok, so i just finished the book, as in 5 minutes ago, and i went back and read the “warning” at the beginning (after the table of contents and before the first chapter) and it says this:

the later is a transcript of a digital recording (bla bla bla) social class noises such as scuffling, striking, and cursing by the two speakers have not been transcript. the author makes no aver to the authenticity of the recording. it seems impossible that the two young narrators are telling the truth, but you, the reader, must choose.

then, i went to the authors notes, and the entire business was about a recording that he received, and didn’t write:

much of this tale is based on facts, which make me reckon that any the two narrators, sadie and carter, did a fantastic deal of research… or they are telling the truth. (insert a tone of junk about the house of light and magicians life a real business back in ancient egypt for Melanie). the way the narrators described egyptian magic is also supported by archaeological evidence. shabti, curved wands, and magicians box’s have survived and can be seen in many museums. (insert junk about how all the monuments that sadie and cane mentioned were real except for the red pyramid, even though there is a pinkish-red pyramid, but its only that color because the outer layer of stone was stripped away.) As for the magical red pyramid mentioned in the tale, we can only hope that it has been ruined. should further recordings fall into my hands, i will relay the information. until then, we can only hope that carter and sadie are incorrect in there predictions about the rise of chaos.

i know that the tale can’t be right, but why is it that he seems to by trying so hard to get us to judge it by writing a warning at the beginning, and making all of his author notes about the recording, if its not right in the first place?

PS: i know that he already has the year set for the next 2 (2011 and 2012) but i just want to mention that ‘anubis’ (or something like that) the creature that’s worse then set (greek version of hades and our version of the devil) was set free at the end of the book but hadn’t returned full form. more like an invisible spill of blood that couldn’t manifest itself completely without the death of millions, and the last book is set to be unrestricted in 2012 when the world is supposedly going to ‘end’.
when i read the authors notes and the “warnning that was written at the begging of the book” rick said how he got a tape recording and basically said that this tale is not his, but a tape he received in the mail or something like that.

Answer by Drifty
?? I read that, but book and the audio, i don’t get what you mean. its a small confusing, ya know.

Answer by Kelley
He wrote persons warnings just so you would do exactly what you’re doing right now…you’re questioning who wrote it, and maybe it was an actual audio tape that Rick received, and who really IS the author, and may maybe it be TRUE? Authors do this sometimes just to make public talk about the tale. It lends an air of mystery to the tale. Rick Riordan wrote The Red Pyramid and Carter and Sadie don’t exist and Riordan never received a tape. Riordan has a fantastic imagination, doesn’t he?

A lot of authors do this. Stephen King did it in The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer, Margaret Atwood did it in The Handmaid’s Tale, and persons are just off the top of my head. If Riordan made you question whether the tale was authentic for even a fraction of a moment, he achieved the results he intended.

Answer by Awesome_1
First of all Anubis is a excellent guy, you are talking about Apophis
Second of all, this is all just a tale, Rick Riordan wrote this book, and it is awesome
Get a grip, it’s just a book

What do you reckon? Answer below!

Join to Radisson
hit pyramid

Image by Michael Connell
This image was shot in downtown Austin a week or so ago. The join is Congress Ave, home to a whole lot of bats that make their home bottom it. I was wandering around getting some shots while coming up on my wife to meet me for dinner. I used some techniques that I learned from David Nightingale at a workshop he taught this past weekend. One of the key things I learned was how to use Photoshop Curves more effectively. Rather than my usual long list of Photoshop plug-ins, I primarily used Curves to nip this image. You can read more about the cool stuff I learned in the workshop on my blog.

One rarity in this scene is a bit of a twig hanging by a spider web in front of the pyramid shaped building. I didn’t notice it when I took the shots, but it was twirling around in the breeze, as evidenced by differing positions in my exposures. Photomatix did a excellent job of correcting the ghosting. It looks kind of droll to me hanging there so I chose not to try and remove it.

HDR Before & After

Processing Info
- Raw conversion.
- White balance adjustment.
- Cropping.
- Final export to JPG.
- Tonemapped 9 exposures (-4, to +4).
- Gradiated curve layers to exchange contrast of sky and water individually.
- Curve layer to exchange sky tone.
Photoshop filters:
- Topaz Labs Denoise.
- Noiseware (smooth out water.)
- Topaz Labs Detail (used on join and buildings.)

Hit ‘L’ for large. It’s nearly like life there.

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I welcome comments and I will reciprocate by checking out and commenting on your photostream. Group invites are welcome, but I do not participate in Post / Award groups. I reserve the right to delete gaudy, glittery, flashing group invite icons!

well im barely 13. but when i grow older i want to write books. and im going to try to write a book right now. so far all i have is this:

I'm just your average teenager really. Oh except for the fact that im a witch with a half brother who's a vampire and of course im in like with a werewolf. Additional than that I'm pretty average. When I was small I thought it would be so cool to be a witch. If I only knew how incorrect I was.
Your probably wondering how this all happened. Right? Well for starters my name is Alexandria but I prefer Alex. I used to live in Cairo with my parents. They were archaeologists and always brought home something eerie and freaky. I loved it. All that changed on my birthday when I would turn 8. I was so pleased practically beaming with happiness. My parents went to excavate some pyramid I didn't really care. I loved wandering everywhere. So I wandered like I usually did thinking of my cake and presents. Then I saw a crowd of public. I went to see what was the commotion was. Then in the middle of all this commotion was a boy. He looked my age he was wounded very terrible. Then he spoke these words that changed my life.
He looked dazed like he didn't know were he was. "The.. The…the pyramid was attacked everyone died", he pointed a shaky fiddle with at me and practically screeched "you what were they were searching for YOU WITCH!"
And with that he leaped on me. I didn't know what was happening all I felt were fists striking my face. I started crying. I saw his face he looked pissed as hell at me. I didn't know why or what I did to make him so pissed. All I knew was that I had to kick his ass. So I pushed him on his back. I got on him and started punching him. Crying at the same time. My parents were at a pyramid and even if I wanted to judge that they weren't dead. I knew they were. I was pulled off of him. Then things went by in a blur. The police took me and questioned me. I really didn't care about their questions. My parents were dead, and that boy called me a witch. The business I couldn't get over though was when he said they were searching for me. Who was they?
I was sent to a boarding school in a town called guardian. None of my family cared about me. No huge surprise there. I was orphan for once in my life. The boarding school wasn't that terrible. I made friends and went to a councilor every week to talk about how to control my emotions. I got over the death of my parents. I had my occasional lapses of emotion of course. For 7 years of my life I was pleased. Then I met Eric.

thats all i have so far. and i want to know if thats a excellent beinging. and if there is something you dont like about it what is it? and how should i exchange it?
oh and i have the beginnig seperated in paragraphs it just doesnt show up on here.

Answer by newyrkctygirl
the begginings pretty unpleasant

Answer by Smmart Gurl
thats very excellent for a prologue but i thinks its kinda vague maybe u should add more details like in the beginning u said it straighht up that shes a witch with a half bro vampire and in like with a werewolf. mayb u should just say that at the end, like this: ps
* = italize the word

Did i mention i was* the witch the boy called me?

its a excellent shock ending for the prologue and i wood def wana read this tale please keep adding!!!!!!!!!!

Answer by xenophilia
It doesn’t seem inventive at all, kind of reminds me of something I’ve read a million times before. The plot doesn’t flow well, and your small sentences are worse than run-ons. But I reckon the main reason the tale is mediocre is because the plot is wishy-washy. Just be creative and I’m sure you’ll get better

Answer by ♥Jacob’s Girl
i reckon it sounds excellent, but it needs a LOT of fixing up. the words don’t mesh well.
will you email this to me so i can edit it a bit? it’ll make me feel better to fix it–i like english and writing and reading. :)

Answer by davion2308
First, these folks are talking to you like you’re 20 and a college author. Relax, you did just fine. It was very excellent work with excellent imagery and you told a tale. I liked it.

Keep on writing and keep on involved. One business that will help is to continue reading books. You’ll know grammar and punctuation better. This is a excellent tale and it would be instantly better if you didn’t have as many punctuation errors.

Keep going!

Add your own answer in the comments!
Gerald Ensley: Water-skiing on Lake Ella?
Hundreds of public walk and ride bikes around Lake Ella each day — a journey that is a mere six-tenths of a mile. It’s a pleasant bit of nature in the middle of Tallahassee, albeit just yards from a major highway and home to dozens of ducks.
Read more on Tallahassee Democrat

Daughters in London, Ontario at call the office Oct.10,2006 Song- Recorded inside a pyramid
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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