What games that my display card can play?
My show card is Mobile Intel (R) 965 Express Chipset Family and I’m using window vista ultimate! Hence, what games can I play in my mainframe? I choose to buy alone in the dark, F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate, Obscure: The Aftermath and Devil may weep 4. Can you tell me that if I can play them all or you have the additional suggestion(that similar with them) for me? I hope to play some newest game but it seem impossible! I hope you can help me with your opinion!
Answer by yevgeny p
Answer by macdonjo3
Youhould be able to play Tales of pirates. I nver heard of someone not life ablle to play it. Try it out. You can register here…
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And it really is free this time. Indeed, there are 2 voice tones to choose from. And just when I thought UIP was getting it right, I clicked on a link to go ‘home’ and it game me options for more mobile content and also trailers. I clicked on the trailers, but they’re all PC trailers – quicktime, windows and real player, and they’re massive files. Like several megabytes. Pity the poor PAYG sod who doesn’t realise that and clicks on a link to view the ad, spends £10 doing so and then can’t view it anyway cos his phone’s not compatible.
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What are some excellent first person shooter games that can my computer can handle? I currently have a Compaq C300with :
Intel Celeron M CPU 420
1.60GHz, 504 RAM
Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family <<<This is my weak graphic card lol
and I have windows XP ma?tre d'h?tel pack 3
or just list some random ones. lol yes i am willing to buy the game if they are excellent.
Answer by Pat
I have a few it may maybe probably handle… Crysis…. rofl jk
It may maybe handle Combat Arms which is ok for a free game….
http://www.nexon.combatarms.com I judge is the link….
It may be able to hanldle Wolfenstein: ET even though I despise that game lol
Might even be able to handle America’s Army, you may maybe try it.
I don’t know the links for the last too sorry just google them =]
Answer by Andy T
I reckon Quake 3 Arena is about it. Serious Sam, so on so forth about the time of GeForce 2/Radeon 9×00 era.
Answer by Cam B
restore to castle wolfenstein
ancient school-ish now but an ok tale line and you should be able to find it in a bargain bin for only a few dollars, maybe $ 10 u.s? or less.
hitman 2 silent assasin
hitman 3
not really fps but i like fps and i like these
they should be ok on ur pc
doom? like the first 1 lol will run on anything
Answer by 16k-zx81
quake 2
Answer by Matt M
You can play doom and doom 2 online.
Also check out Steam engine games like Counter Strike or Half Life.
Also there is the Quake series, I recommend Quake or Quake 3.
For older games check out
Wolf3d, Blake Stone, Rise of the Triad.
For new games try Counter Strike Source or Half Life 2 deathmatch, these games are also on Steam. Additional new games include Call of Duty series, I recommend Call of Duty 2 or 3 for you computer specs.
Hope this helps!
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