Best Google Android apps?
Answer by Benjamin Brehm
Google Voice!
Answer by KennyJ
+1 for GV, others are Beautiful Widgets, Astro File Manager, ROM Manager if you’re rooted, DropBox if you use that service, doubleTwist, Shazam, and AudioManager Widget. If you have FroYo, Flash LED Torch is also very useful.
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Full view of Android Developer Lab 2010 Hong Kong
Image by sammyfung
Comparing apps n everthing which one is better???
Answer by Keith
Thats a pretty loaded question, but here are some informative resources:
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
comScore: iPhone share past BlackBerry, Android at 36%
Apple has just managed to push past RIM for second place in market share, comScore found in its study of US market share from this past April. After getting close in February, Apple has now moved up to 26 percent where RIM dropped to 25.7 percent, relegating it to third place. Android gained primarily at RIM’s expense as Google’s platform climbed up to 36.4 percent….
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