Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 6, 2011

How to set a song as your ringtone iPhone 4?

How to set a song as your ringtone iPhone 4?

I’ve just got an iPhone 4 and was wondering how you set a song from your iPhone as your ringtone? Please respond and any additional tips you can give me will be appreciated. Thank you.

Answer by Travis
just use a FREE site called Ventones
to download or make any ringtone you want

its the best of all the sites

Answer by Irene Huang
Hey, buddy! I just wrote something about Mac App Store’s new member–iAm Ringer Lite. It is a really free iPhone ringtone making tool that can make iPhone ringtone easily. You may go to my blog to have a look. Maybe you can find out the answer. Or you can go directly to App Store.

Answer by Michael V
A ringtone is simply an AAC (*.m4a) file renamed .m4r. I know of no way to make it on the iPhone itself. But, you can make a ringtone in iTunes.

1. Go into preferences, under Import Settings (for CD) and make sure it’s set to import using AAC encoder.

2, Find your song, and do Get Info. Under Options, exchange Start Time and Stop Time to the beginning and end of what you want as the ringtone. Play the song until the timing is right.

3, Right-click the track and select Make AAC Version.

4, You’ll see a new track with the same name, but with the time corresponding to your Start/Stop time selections. Right-click that and open in Finder (Examiner?).

5, Delete that track from iTunes, but don’t delete the file (click Keep File).

6, In Finder or Examiner, rename the file from .m4a to .m4r.

7, Drag that file back into iTunes, and you now have a new ringtone!

8, Go back into your first track and uncheck Start and Stop times.

Give your answer to this question below!

iPhone broken

Image by dschulian
iPhone show glass broken and silver frame hurt.

I am not eligible for an upgrade until January but I want the iphone 3g now. My friend has the iphone 3g and wants to sell it to me. If I go to cingular will they switch the data plot to my accound even though I didnt buy the iphone from them? Thanks ahead of time.

Answer by bestcihan
you cant use the iphone with cingular, because it is locked! you need to get an unlocked iphone if you want to use it under carriers additional than AT&T

Answer by Amrit S
yes it will work…CINGULAR AND AT&T ARE THE SAME COMPANY!!! they wont care how you got it, just go to the store and say that you want to activate it, if they question how you got it, just tell them…..oh and btw DO NOT jailbreak it…more headache then its worth, i jailbroke it days gone by in like 20 minutes, but it took 3 hours to restore it, and i needed to use a different computer to restore it

Answer by francproxy
I’ve got for myself a 3G iPhone at this site, also bought a nice case for it there…Take a look, it might get you an answer.

Regards, Franc

Answer by Soulja Girl
you cant. listen, i have bought the iphone 3g right when it came out, so i am not kidding. once they are deactivated, they might as well go in the trash or to be recycled. btw, its att&t, not cingular.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
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