How do I get my whole list of songs on my Hero Android Cellphone to be used for ringtones?
I have done this in the past but am not doing something right. I have 100 albums and approx.1000 individual songs on the SD disk in my HTC Hero Android Cellphone. I can’t find another file on the SD with ringtones, so it must be in the phone itself. How do I copy files to phone files?
Answer by MARLIN
you need to download the ringdroid app from the android market and turn your songs into ringtones. You cannot just place you songs into a ring tone folder on the hero
Answer by maestroalvarez
The simplest way is to install an app called Ringdroid. It’s a free app. It’ll do exactly what you want it to do. For more info on Android and smartphones, check out You should check out the cool Android phones on Sprint you can get for real cheap on their site link.
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Image by okubax
Android 2.3.3 running in eclipse on ArchLinux
i have a blackberry from verizon and now im getting the new android. How can i place all my music and pic and videos onto the new phone? But i want to use the memory card that’s coming with the android. my ancient memory card only has 2gb and the android has 16 gb I need a way thanks.
Answer by Luke
Place all your files on your computer and you can just copy it to the new SD card.
The OS will pick them all up.
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Google pulls game emulators from Android market
Gamers with devices using Google’s Android operating system were surprised last weekend to see well loved emulators —software that allows users to play games for well loved game consoles— pulled off the Android Market.
Read more on GMA News
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