why do my android push notifications not work?
I just recently got my facebook update on my android Incredible phone and right after I got it my push notifications worked once, now they aren’t working at all. Also I have the 2.2 update on my phone or whatever so I know it should work. Anyone else having this issue, or know why I’m not getting push notifications?
Answer by Kevin T
I belive u need a IT help
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android cloud app
Image by osde8info
android cloud app
I have a Motorola Backflip that has been rooted and flashed with j_r0dd’s Preclair rom (2.1-update1). I’m running Ubuntu 10.10 with Eclipse Galileo. I am able to run my applications on the Android Emulator, but I’m not sure how to do so on my phone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answer by Gerald s
best to post your question here for better help ….http://ubuntuforums.org/
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Drunk Driving Prevention Android App DUI kNOw! Stand Release is Announced by Lone Wolfe Mobile; App That Allows a …
Lone Wolfe Mobile today announced the release of DUI kNOw! Stand, an Android smart phone app that tests balancing abilities and encourages potentially impaired drivers not to operate vehicles after drinking alcohol. (PRWeb June 01, 2011) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/6/prweb8454064.htm
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