How much does a pay as you go Iphone cost?
I want to buy an Iphone . What would the cost (in canadian dollars) be for a 3 gigabyte or 8 gigabyte iphone as a pay as you go phone.All answers are greatly apriciated and please don’t post anything rude or mean , thank you.
Answer by mylie
iphone only comes on o2 contract . It better come on payg soon
Answer by evilattorney
It’s not available as a pay as you go phone. Moreover, if it is ever available, the phone will be very expensive since the contracts subsidize the cost of the phone. No contract = no subsidy = high phone price.
Answer by hunni_x3
my brother has a pay as you go iphone but he bought it from a girl who works in future shop. so there is pay as you go ones but i dont know how much and where.
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iPhone photo – 46/365
Image by alexkess
Shot and edited on my Iphone, with Tiltshift Gen, Colour Mill and BestCam.
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Alex (
Beside the fact that the iphone can call I was wondering why the ipod touch cost more than the iphone. I know they’re expensive but the internet and movies is something I really wanted.
are you talking about iphone or the ipod touch? And what if I already have a internet on pc with wireless router?
Answer by c2
camera, access to more apps, you pay for constant internet service
Answer by Lake
The reason that the iPhone is cheaper is because it requires a 24 month commitment with AT&T cellular at $ 70.00 per month. It is possible to get one without the service, but then it’s not subsidized by AT&T and costs over $ 500.00.
There are some new wi-fi devices already unrestricted or coming out soon — Sony, Zune and probably a new iPod Touch. Check out, Best Buy has a deal with a Zune pre-order.
Answer by i h
The reason the iPhone seems cheaper is because you get the ATT subsidized price. If you buy the iPhone without a contract its about $ 400 more.
The iPhone also has internet access without life near a wifi router.
Answer by Edw Cullen
iphone has phone (obviously), sms, camera, and it’s more expensive. ipod touch is iphone without these things I mentioned before.
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Best Buy Canada Uses i-nigma to Barcode-enable Consumers' Mobile iPhone App Experience
3GVision, the global lead the way and leader in mobile barcode solutions, announced today that Best Buy Canada has chosen i-nigma to barcode-enable its home and in-store mobile shopping experience. Using the newest version of the Best Buy iPhone App, customers can now scan mobile barcodes and instantly browse, research and authenticate availability of any product. Shoppers in the store are using mobile …
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