Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 6, 2011

How much data/internet mb does a normal android smartphone use?

How much data/internet mb does a normal android smartphone use?

I am thinking on getting the 200 mb a month data plot. I was wondering how much data/internet an android smartphone would use if…
-Homescreen is a weather app
-One page is for Email
-One page is for Facebook

I don’t really go on YouTube or do anything else. I also have WiFi.

How much mb will it use a month? Is it excellent enough for me?

Answer by Alex
200MB’s would suffice if you NEVER use YouTube. YouTube alone can use up about 15-20MB’s per clip. Limit yourself and check your data treatment daily. My sister, who uses her phone purely for web browsing and emails averages at about 250MB’s a month. There’s no such business as a “normal Android smartphone.” It all depends on the user and what he does on it.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

android londroid nexus mobile

Image by fsse8info
android londroid nexus mobile

I deleted this guy because all he does all day is post hundreds of links ob his wall….he is deleted, and on the actual webpage i dont get his annoying posts, but they still show up on the stupid android app. How do i stop them?

Answer by
A quick and effective way to do this would be to uninstall the app and download it again. In this case you can get it from the android market. Hope it works for ya!

Add your own answer in the comments!
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Record Rating: 4 / 5

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