Whats the difference between an iphone and an jail broken one?
I hear that term “jail broken” all the time when talking to friends but i never understood what it meant. I want to say that if you buy a jail broken iphone you don’t have to pay for the data usage plan. Is that true? What exactly does it mean jail broken and what is its functions?
Answer by BAD
I have a jail broken Iphone, and on it I have 3rd party apps for example I can controll my lights my ac my computer everything that uses electricity I can controll it through my iphone,
You get free apps, you will get Cydia installer which has all free apps,
This is illegal seeing as the app store sells these to you, but im sure you don’t want to pay $ 10 or more for any app, so go to
craigslist.com and take it to any one near you to jail break the iphone or ipod touch for a mear $ 20.00
Answer by SUSPENDED ID, i cant feel myface
jailbroken lets ur iphone use thrid party apps and settings not apporved by apple for whatever reason ie (too many crashes, unstable, performance etcccc.) but this also disables restrictions and permission ie, background image on main home screen. BUT jailbreaking has its cons, performance and ram use is abused dramatically, however the pros outnumber the cons. ppl r very skeptical to jailbreak cuz it “mess” up ur phone, btw please define mess up lol, if u do it properly and right software, (modmyi.com) then there will be no problems. i jailbroke and wouldnt go back, iphone is awesome with tons of apps (cracked btw lol) icons, sounds etc. soooooo many mods.
Answer by Sam
When you jailbreak an iPhone you are allowing it to use 3rd party applications that are not on iTunes nor are they approved by Apple or 100% safe. You do have more options as far as things you can do with the iPhone, however you open yourself up to possible harm done by these 3rd party applications as well. If these applications cause damage to your iPhone, that is not covered by warranty either.
Answer by Darwin D
This should answer your question pretty well
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iPhone 4
Image by superstrikertwo
iPhone 4
I am about to buy a iPhone but it has a broken sleep button. Does anyone know how to fix that? Thanks!
Answer by alecrocksthehouse
let me ask a question within a question…
Where are you buying it, so i can purchase it before you, i no how to fix it =)
Answer by runFunning
The iPhone is still under warranty. Ask the original owner to get it repaired.
I would NEVER recommend purchasing a mobile electronic device second hand. They are selling it for a reason, and I’m betting it’s not because they are doing you a favor. Work hard and save a little more and purchase “your” iPhone from apple.com. That way you know who’s been licking your mouth piece and where it’s been. You’ll sleep better.
good luck.
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TUAW’s Daily iPhone App: Shadow Cities
Shadow Cities is an interesting title from Finnish developer Gray Area. It’s a location-based MMO, in that you level up a character while fighting with other players and claiming territory, all of which is based on the real world around you and your iPhone. The game allows you to cast spells with special gestures, which are resource driven and set up to play long campaigns in small bursts of …
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