i need help resizing pic for my g1 (google/android) wallpaper. can someone help..?
im having and have had alot of distress with getting a pic of any kind to fit wel to my screen on my g1… it shows like 40% larger then the actual picture.. its annoying.. can someone help in telling me how to resize or can someone do this for me.. thanks
Answer by Matthew
very safe and FREE
upload a music file or give them any youtube record
ventones will convert it into a ringtone for your specific phone
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Android and cupcake
Image by Joi
Which do you like better and why?
Answer by runningwithscalpels
Android because Steve Jobs does not need to tell me what to do with my phone.
Answer by Ashkan
I have used both and if you want an Honest opinion I should say Google Chrome. Because it has too many options and it is used by innumerable companies like HTC, Dell, Samsung, LG, … You can connect your Android phone to your computer very easily but for Apple you always have to have iTunes and you would lose everything if you connect your phone to another computer. Apple iPhones are only fantastic in two things: quality of the product (iphone has a very stronger solid body compared to phones made by additional companies which are usually made of plastic) and App Store.
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