Is google going to keep the android named as android and is the g1 going to be discontinued when g2 comes out ?
Answer by joe.attaboy
Yes. why would they change the name mid-stream?
No. why would they discontinue a phone they just released in October. The G2 will be a new device with different features. If it ever comes out.
Answer by Michael Martin
Android will remain the name for the foreseeable future
G1 being discontinued once the G2 comes out is a decision by both T-Mobile & HTC but I would doubt it.
Answer by
The G1 will probably be around for a while since the rumored G2 is going to be slightly different.
The proposed G2:
Also, they’re not going to be changing the Android name anytime soon.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Image by marioyang
I do not want to switch carriers or illegally unlock a phone.
Answer by Adios Mother F
Nope not at the moment there is not.Android is meant for T-mobile. Actually you can get the G1 or MyTouch phone and perfectly unlock it legit. Just ask a 3rd party to unlock the phone for you. People unlock their phones all the time. It not illegal.Once the phone is unlocked then you can use it on AT&T. However some features might not work.
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Google’s Schmidt Takes Subtle Shots At Microsoft, Apple, Facebook
Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt described his company as part of a “gang of four” kings of consumer technology, along with Amazon, Apple and Facebook. Explicitly not on that list: Microsoft. Speaking at the opening interview of the All Things D conference in southern California, Schmidt seemed determined to sideline the world’s largest software company as an enterprise play. He said …
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