Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 6, 2011

How much is the apple iphone 3g without the plan?

How much is the apple iphone 3g without the plan?

I am plotting on buying the apple iphone 8gb, the 3G, but the business is, i don’t want the plot, and just the phone. How much will this cost me, and where can i buy it for a reasonable price besides ebay? also, how much is warranty?

Answer by eula
It is $ 599 and $ 699 for the 8 and 16gb respectively you can get iphone 3g from this site

Hope this help,

Answer by Nancy
Apple iphone 3g s is the latest one by AT&T & apple. If you want to book it in advanced than an buy it on . @ resonable price.

Answer by Jack P
I heard Apple was going to start selling them for $ 599 without a contract, but that is unconfirmed.

Additional than ebay, only on craigslist and some additional not-so-well-known websites. They are going for around $ 500 on ebay groundbreaking new.

The 1-year warranty is excellent unless you try unlocking or jailbreaking it. You can buy an apple care kit for iPhone to extend it.

Add your own answer in the comments!

I bought some songs on my iPhone, and never synced it with my computer. Later my iPhone had an error issue, so I had to ‘restart’ my iphone completely, losing all my settings. Is it possible for me to get the songs I bought on my iPhone back without having to buy them again?

Answer by Lavell Wofford

Answer by 666 or sexsexsex
no but look at it this way you re helping the artists make a living by really buying the music :)

Answer by ▌«♥dσσdette♥«▐
No, just plug your iPod back into your computer and your computer should be updated with the same songs that where in your iPhone even if you bought them on your Iphone, I always hold things on mine and then by the time i log back into the computer and plug it in it always updates all the songs and keeps them in both places.

Answer by Susan Lily
you can try to see if there is some kind of software like an iphone transfer….

Answer by Kardi Jason
Full guide: Transfer songs, videos, photos and playlists from iPhone to Computer


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# apps The former Gourmet Magazine, reinvented on the iPad as Gourmet Live has undergone the shrunkifying process of porting itself to the iPhone. It’s the same content as the iPad: some tasty looking recipes, fun cooking tales and dead simple navigation. More »
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