Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

How much is the iphone 4g going to be if you dont have an upgrade available?

How much is the iphone 4g going to be if you dont have an upgrade available?

I have had At&t since december of last year and I have an iphone 3g.. How much is the 4g going to be without the upgrade?

Answer by Wicked Witch’s Honor!
200 for a 16 gig and 400 for a 32 i judge.

Answer by Antoinette D
I payed 499 for the 3g 16gb iphone because I wasn’t eligible for an upgrade. I am assuming it will cost the same amount for the 32 gb.

Answer by Reecy
$ 199 for 16GB
$ 299 for 32GB

Answer by Luft Waffle
I am in the same case. I got my iphone 3gs 5 months ago and am not eligible for an upgrade until next year. I went to the ATT store days gone by and found out that I can upgrade to the new iphone 4 32 GB for $ 499 + one time $ 18 early upgrade fee.

Answer by Adam Jonathan

What do you reckon? Answer below!

I’m plotting to buy a new iphone 4g without a contract but the conundrum is I dont know which firmware it has. I hope it’s not 4.1 because it’s unjailbreakable.
Can someone tell me what usually comes with new iphone 4g

Answer by HaredX
By now most of the iPhone4s come with 4.1 preinstalled, some may still have 4.0.2 but that is also not jailbreakable. I reckon the chances of you getting an iPhone from the store with 4.0.1 or earlier are slim and none. But a 4.1 jailbreak will be out shortly so it really shouldn’t matter any way. If you want to stay up to date with iDevice jailbreaking and additional news check out

Answer by evilattorney
There’s no such business as an iPhone 4g. It’s an iPhone 4. It depends on when the phones shipped. All phones shipped after 4.1 was unrestricted are running 4.1. Since inventory doesn’t last long in supplies, it’s likely that anything in supplies now is running 4.1.

Answer by
If you hold an iPhone 4 now you will nearly beyond doubt get one with iPhone iOS 4.1.

A jailbreak will undoubtedly be available shortly for version 4.1

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Apple iWork Now Available For iPhone & iPod touch Users
CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today announced that its groundbreaking iWork® productivity apps, Keynote®, Pages® and Numbers®, are now available for iPhone® and iPod touch®, as well as iPad®. Made for the Mac® and then completely redesigned for iOS and Apple's revolutionary Multi-Touch™ interface, Keynote, Pages and Numbers allow you to make and share stunning presentations …
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You can nearly still hear the squeal of the FedEx truck brakes as I unbox and give a first look of the new Apple iPhone 4. The iPhone 4 features FaceTime, Retina Show, 720p HD record recording, forward facing camera, a 5 MP main camera w/ LED flash, plus all the goodies of iOS 4. Subscribe to stay tuned for more videos looking at the features of the new iPhone 4.
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