How well does the iPhone work with other cell phone providers?
Like if the iPhone was unlocked and you used T-Mobile as your provider. Will it work just as good? What if I do the cheapest plan will everything work, like the internet?
Answer by Michael M
Just the visual voicemail, allowing you to just touch the name of the person who called and it plays it, rather than calling and listening to each one.
Also, with the unlocking process, the updates apple release will just relock it, and possibly brick your phone, rendering it useless. So be careful!
Answer by as1mm0ns09
I don’t have the iphone but i have looked into it and done alot of research. The Iphone is probably one of the most high tech phones out there. Since it is Apples first phone, they have ran into many problems. Apples has brought out many fixes to the iphone called firmwares. Every month are so there are different problems. Such as texting order and contacting different people that aren’t with AT&T. If i were you i wouldn’t get the iphone. I am waiting. TOO MANY PROBLEMS! i have also heard of a 2nd generation IPhone so fewer problems and better than first Iphone.
Answer by Quay
everything will work except the visual voicemail. you also have to pay to get the phone unlocked.
Answer by MaryAnn S
well if ya unlock the phone you will void the warranty. Yeppers Apple can tell too. When a firmware or update is sent out and it can be monthly depending on what updates they feel the need to send out it can relock the phone ..and make it a brick.
Also if you swap sim cards .. will also relock the phone
I just dont understand wanting to risk $ 399 to see if it will work and what happens when it doesnt!
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Schreibtisch mit Testsetup für iPhone-Gebrauchsfotos
Image by hansdorsch
Dies ist mein Setup, um das iPhone während der Bedienung zu zeigen. Zur Illustration.
Apple will release a 4 gigabyte iPhone and an 8 gigabyte iPhone on June 2007. I was planning on buying an iPod for my birthday present but now that I heard the iPhone it left me breathless. Do you recommend me to wait and buy the iPhone or should I get an iPod? I want to know how many songs I could store with an 8 gigabyte iPhone.
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Oovoo video conferencing app comes to iPhone (hands-on)
A free app for iPhone gets you video conferencing with up to five other people.
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ジョブズのプレゼンの上手さとかアメリカ人のノリの良さとか。2007年1月9日基調講演(keynote address)にて iPhone を初公開する Apple の Steve Jobs 日本語字幕付き。
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