What's the name of the movie where a convict and an android escape their captors and escape into the desert.?
The man hated androids because he believed that one killed his wife. He is handcuffed to the android and they have to rely upon each other for survival.
Answer by C-Man
I believe that was “Android Apocalypse”
Answer by Alice Julia
i don,t know but you will get your answer from Google.com and i think this is the right and better way for getting any thing
Answer by June Spiller
I also want to see the answers
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android app
Image by fsse8info
android app
I have a t-mobile g1 phone. I download all my apps from an app called android market but I can’t find it anywhere on my phone. I don’t know if I deleted it or what. I was just wondering if I can get it back or where can I get it from because this is a big problem. I can’t download any apps without it
Answer by joe.attaboy
Look under “M” for Market. Not “Android Market.” Just “Market”.
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How to Manage Open Source Licensing in Android Development
Law Technology News: “Android’s many-tiered ecosystem represents multisource development at its best, yet it adds complexity to the Android platform. Independent developers may contribute code under a variety of licenses.”
Read more on Linux Today
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