Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

How much is an iphone 4 with a contract?

How much is an iphone 4 with a contract?

Im plotting to buy an iphone 4. My contract ends at the end of this month. I know that it is $ 200 but how much is the contract? Also how much will the initiation and additional fees cost? 10 points to the best answer.
I already have a plot because everyone in my family has an iphone. All i need to know is how much the initiation fees and contract are.

Answer by Bobby
control post to reflect that the contract is 2 years it doesnt cost money besides the 325 dollars – 10 dollars a month you complete on contract they sell you the phone for 199$ + tax for a 2 year agreement only additional charges is 36 dollars for the initiation fee and than your monthly plot but contract cost nothing unless you opt out of it

Answer by evilattorney
There’s no separate charge for the contract. In the store you pay for the phone and the sales tax. The $ 18 upgrade fee appears on the next bill (if you’re not an AT&T customer, the initiation fee is $ 36). If you don’t have a smart phone, you will have to choose a data plot – $ 15 for 200mb or $ 25 for 2gb. That’s it except for the accessories like a case, car charger and the like.

BTW, if you’re an AT&T customer, you don’t have to wait until your contract is over. You’re eligible to upgrade when you’ve completed 20 months of your contract.

Answer by Pops
iPhone 4 (16gb): $ 215 and exchange*
iPhone 4 (32gb): $ 325 and exchange*

One time initiation fee of $ 36.
If it’s been more than 20 months that you’ve gotten free/discounted phones from AT&T then you may maybe reduce the initiation fee to $ 18 (when they call it upgrade fee) and still get the phone at the discounted price. Of course that will renew your contract to two more years.
You can always do something called an Early Upgrade where you don’t have to pay the full price but also not the super discounted price, you pay something in the middle. But I don’t reckon that’s something you’re trying to find out.

The cheapest individual plot for iPhone is $ 64 and exchange* (after tax). (Plot includes: 450 nationwide minutes, 5000 nights and weekend minutes, Visual Voicemail, 200 mb 3G data, No tethering, No A-List, No text/MMS, rollover minutes expires after a year).

You should visit your nearest Apple store, they will answer all your questions very well.

*NYC sales tax rate.

Answer by Jesse
There is a $ 35 initiation fee and that is it. iphone 4 will be about $ 200 like you said but if your interested in anything cheaper check out this website. You complete an offer and get some friends to do the same and you get an iphone 4 free. Worth the time if you have friends to help you.

Add your own answer in the comments!

I am plotting on buying an iphone but, I want to know about how much it is going to cost me. How much is the iphone itself, how much is initiation, and how much is the annual bill going to cost?

Answer by keep_on_dancing
Iphone – $ 499 4g, $ 599 8g.
Initiation – $ 35/$ 36?
Bill – depends on what plot you get.

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