Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2011

If i trade my att Quickfire for the HTC Fuze will i need to buy a new SIM Card?

If i trade my att Quickfire for the HTC Fuze will i need to buy a new SIM Card?

Since the Fuze is a smart phone do i need to buy a new SIM Card?
I am going to pay the retail price, without a new contract. Is Data vital like on the IPhone even if i dont get the discount for the new contract?

Answer by awwwshettt
No. But you you will have to get a smartphone wrap. The prices vary on those depending on how many text messages and how much internet you want.

Answer by enterprise17
No, excluding the iPhone, each phone uses the same sim card. Though, you should tell your provider what model phone you have to make sure you don’t get slammed with fees.

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Direct Sunlight, High Contrast
htc fuze

Image by Chazz Layne
The previous test photos have been done in overcast situation at best. For this shot I figured I’d give it a bit of a workout with some high contrast and direct sunlight. Not terrible for a cameraphone, but you can tell it is pushing the limits.

Also the pictures i get are small. I have a energy ROM 2

Answer by Ghost
i cant help with the first part but as for small pictures, it becuz the screen on your pohone is so large that all the other camera phones take less vital pictures then you, so when u recieve them, they are really small.


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a video for Obamax4 and for other users who needed help of taking out the the ATT Bloat upon hard reset and getting the TF3D 2
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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