Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 6, 2011

Q&A: How can my aunt restore photos to her iPhone?

Q&A: How can my aunt restore photos to her iPhone?

She recently went on vacation and took a bunch of pictures, and downloaded some apps and music on her iPhone. And when she got back to the US, someone taught her to use iTunes to sync new music onto it. But unfortunately, that sync deleted all those pictures, apps, and old music from her iPhone. Is there anyway to restore those things?
Me and my aunt live in different states so it’ll be hard for me to help her, but I’ll try.

Answer by my-iPhone
When you plug your iPhone into your computer iTunes automatically starts up and your iPhone will sync.

When synced, on the left hand menu bar, there will be a heading ‘Devices’ with iPhone underneath. Click on the iPhone and in the main iTunes screen will change. You can manage all of your Apps, Music and Photos from here.

For an article on managing your iPhone photos, go here:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

iPhone 4

Image by superstrikertwo
iPhone 4

Ohkay. So I have the iPhone 3G and I want to put music on it. I don’t want my iPhone jailbroken, and I don’t want to buy music.
Is there a way I can download music directly to my phone and have it save in iTunes?

Answer by N a t a l i♥
nope. music has to come off iTunes app on your phone.

Answer by Sean Cain
if you don’t want to buy it from iTunes, then quite simply, no. not unless you jailbreak

Answer by Puca Lamida
That’s illegal·

What do you think? Answer below!

In this video, I teach you how to view flash content on iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad! It is really simple and there is no hacking required. All you need to do is download a free app from the app store! The name of this app is Cloud Browse, and the link is below, as well as all links from the video. The browser is quite fast, and it even has flash! The way this works is that the app streams a remote server of the Mozille Firefox Browser to your device, and you can view the web, as if you were on a desktop machine. I currently use this if I need flash, and it is great! Subscribe to stay tuned for my next video, or my Comex “Frash” video, which is coming soon, however, if you prefer to use flash without downloading an app. If this helped you out at all, please subscribe and rate thumbs up! Stay tuned for my future videos. Thanks for watching and I will catch you in the next video guys! You are all the best! Comex “Frash”: Cloud Browse App: Visit My Website: Follow me on twitter!: Like me on FaceBook:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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