Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2011

He wants full custody of our daughter!?

He wants full custody of our daughter!?

Hi my name is Aria im 26 i have a four year old daughter named Sienna and i got knocked up when i was 22 by a guy named Steve i tried to make him part of my daughters life and he was during the pregnancy but for the 5 days i was in labor he was out partying with his friends yes for five days i’ve always invited him at least 6 times a year to come meet his daughter but he never has met her so i’ve ben a single mom i own a gym in miami and make really good money enough to live in a gated community which is really good and i own a good house and i have a perfect blonde haired grey eyed daughter who is in pageants cheerleading and gymnastics and she has modeled before and one day he called me and told me he was fileing for full custody of my daughter because he got married eight months ago and she can not have kids so now they want mine. I know my story is a bit odd but its the truth he feels he has grow up and wants her now. My mom is my lawyer and i wanted him in her life but now i just want him completely out

and will working at hooters when i was 21 make the judge/ jury see me as unfit or putting my daughter in pageants i know that lots of people find it child abuse even though she loves them. i also have her on a strict diet to follow the food pyramid and we only eat organic foods do you think the judge/ jury will think that’s too strict? or that i spoil her shes always going shopping or getting her nails done but she gets didisciplined put her i time outs because i do not believe in hitting my child. that is really the only bad things i can think of

Answer by say it all…
He can ask…but unless he can prove that you are some crack head that will sell the child for drug money – he likely will not get full custody…partial or shared? Sure – but not full custody.

Answer by Captain Obvious
So whats the question?

If you really think he doesn’t have a chance at getting custody.. then you have nothing to worry about. Right?

If you believe he has a chance… then you are obviously only telling one side of the story.

Answer by AmyJean1983
I wouldn’t worry about making her follow a good diet…And if she wants to do the pageants then there is nothing wrong with that…Her getting her nails done at 4 is a little bit odd but that comes with the whole pageant thing. Everyone has a crappy job when they are young, I wouldn’t sweat that.

The courts will see that he had no interest in meeting his daughter…He can’t go from never seeing her to being her primary care giver…As long as you make it a point to show that not only has he been a neglectful parent but an absent parent which the child doesn’t even know…You should be fine.

Answer by Juliet
there is No way on earth that he will get Full custody of your daughter…Nobody is perfect but you seem like your doing a wonderful job with your daughter…he might get some sorth of visitation …but No Judge in USA will give him full custody after 5 years of No custody at all.
Good luck

Answer by Doctor Red
You have nothing to worry about. He hasn’t got a leg to stand on. A judge will not see in favour of someone that has basically abandoned his daughter and the mother of his child (even if only for a short period of her life). If he hasn’t been paying you money towards the child either, he will have even less weight behind his case.

Working in hooters is nothing to worry about. It’s a bar, not a brothel. At least you were working to provide for yourself and not sat there on the dole (or whatever you call it in America – accepting benefits and not working basically).

As the father of the child (as long as he is safe etc. and would never hurt the child), it is a good idea for him to have some involvement in her life (even though you cannot stand him).

A child should know both parents. He will never get custody of her from the background you have given me. I am from the UK and know that law can be slightly different in America, but not where this is concerned. A child NEEDS it’s real mother – FACT.

Good luck.

Give your answer to this question below!

Sorry if this is long I just want to include everything I can think of, any tips would be greatly appreciated!

I’m 22, 160(ish), male. I use free weights mainly but I also use a bowflex that has resistance rods for some of the same exercises and for some I can’t do with free weights. I work out probably 5 days of the week with a random 1 or 2 days off (work) and I work 3 main muscle groups in one session (ex shoulders/back/abs then next day arms/chest/abs) for about an hour a session. I include several multiple joint exercises, I constantly switch up the type of exercises I do on any one muscle group so my body doesn’t get used to it, i’ve tried pyramiding weights up and down, I keep great emphasis on perfect form, I usually drink a light protein shake (30g or so) and eat a healthy meal after every session… I always feel the soreness the next day or 2 & I always give whatever muscle groups I worked at least 48 hours before I hit it again except abs, i’m seeing more and more definition, but i’m not seeing any real mass. I jog a mile about 4 out of 7 days a week early in the morning, but I do it early so I can keep it as far away from the time i’m doing strength training as possible. I feel like i’m doing everything by the book but i’m not seeing the results I want. Any advice?

Answer by The Amazing Cracker
Sounds like you are on a good plan. You didn’t include your height, and body fat percentage (BFP). If you are much over 5’9″ it would sound like your BFP is fairly low and you have a high metabolism. If this is the case, try working away from protein isolates (low carb low fat protien shakes) and try substituting with a more complete protein, such as peanut butter. Some people with very high metabolism have difficulty adding muscle mass and using more complete sources can help that. Also try to spread your cardio and lifting atleast 2 hours apart, or the cardio can negatively impact your muscle gain.

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