Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2011

How much is the iPhone 4 when you upgrade?

How much is the iPhone 4 when you upgrade?

I’m on at&t and i’m ready for an upgrade. Even though i’ve never had any of the first iphones before am i still able to upgrade the phone i have, razr2 to the iPhone 4? If so how much would that cost? Thanks!

Answer by jalen
if your eligible for a 2 year upgrade its $ 199 for the 16 gb and $ 299 for the 32gb…dont forget u have to get a data plan!!!

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iPhone 2.5G

Image by hawaii
My old iPhone (8GB, EDGE). Memory wiped, firmware 2.0 installed, basically an iPod Touch that can be activated with AT&T. Refurbished unit, just swapped at the Apple Store on July 6. Used lovingly for just one week.

I am with tmobile and planning to buy an unlocked iphone and use it. But I heard that with some iphones you can’t use the internet with tmobile. Please answer if you have experience with this. Thank you!

Answer by bmg314
It isnt that you cant use the internet with an iphone on tmo, its that you wont get 3g on it, you will be stuck on EDGE, which is slower. Doesnt matter which iphone…

For what its worth, there is a strong possibility that tmobile is getting the iphone 3gs early 2011, if that makes a difference to you.

Answer by evilattorney
All iPhones can use T-Mobile’s Edge network. No iPhone can use T-Mobile’s 3g network. Don’t pay for a fast phone because it won’t be fast on Edge.

What do you think? Answer below!
iPhone App that Blocks Drunk Texts Hits iTunes Top Sellers List
The Textalyzer iPhone app uses response time games to prevent people from sending drunken text messages they might later regret. Within a week of being released in the iTunes Store, Textalyzer hit the ‘iTunes New & Noteworthy List’ along with reaching #101 for Top Paid Entertainment Apps.
Read more on PRWeb via Yahoo! News

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