Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 5, 2011

Q&A: How can i take a screenshot on android phone?

Q&A: How can i take a screenshot on android phone?

Ive done it before on accident but i dont know what to press and i dont want to do all the android skd business.

Answer by Seeker Richardson
We don’t really know your question would you please clarify in more detail?

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Comunicando 114 ¿Qué móvil prefieres? iPhone, BlackBerry o Android

Image by jagelado
En comunicando podcast 114 entrevistamos a Oscar J. Baeza y recibimos opiniones como la de Arkangel sobre el mejor móvil en estos momentos ¿iPhone, BlackBerry o Android?

I just bought a Samsung Android phone. My service is with Virgin Mobile. I am wondering if anyone knows how to delete text messages that I receive, but don’t want. I be grateful for your help!

Answer by Danielle Boyd
you probably just go to the text message screen where it has all of the different contacts you are texting and hold down the one you want to delete. mine and my boyfriend have different android phones and both will pop up asking if we want to delete the thread or view it.

Add your own answer in the comments!
Android Windfall Leads to 0 Million Payday For Microsoft
Microsoft stands to make $ 5 on every Android sold in a patent infringement settlement with Google.
Read more on PC World

October 27th 2002, Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, USA

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